The 100-calorie snack packs: Pros and Cons

hostess 100 calorie packsOur society is busy which makes us obsessed with foods of convenience. In attempt to help our society embrace their busy schedules while trying to battle our obesity epidemic and diet-crazed society, food companies developed the infamous 100-calorie snack pack. Have you really taken a look or thought about why you are buying these items? Below I have made my own personal pro and con list for these snack packs.


· Pre-portioned which helps you control your portion size.

· Convenient, easy to grab and take with you packaging, and they do not need to be refrigerated.

· They taste pretty good.

· Most of the different kind of snack packs are trans-fat free, low in fat, sugar, and salt.


· 100 calorie packsHighly processed foods that provide little nutritional value. You could eat the same amount of calories by eating a tennis ball-sized apple and a tablespoon of peanut butter, a handful of nuts, or a package of yogurt.

· Small quantity… you’re really not getting that much food in these 100-calorie snack packs.

· Not filling, could find yourself eating multiple packs to satisfy your hunger or cravings.

· If not careful, easy way of adding additional calories without providing any nutrients/nutritional value.

· Not that cost effective. You are paying for packaging and convenience. It would be more economical for you to buy the large quantity bag and personally prepackage your snack packs.

· Not all of the 100-calorie snack packs are created equal. Some of the snack packs are better choices than others. Read the label to see what you are or are not getting.york 100 calorie packs

This is my personal pro and con list and I just don’t think it’s worth purchasing these. I would rather consume my 100 calories in a more filling and satisfying way. The decision is yours, I suggest you take a look at my list, make your own pro and con list, and read the food label of these snack packs before you purchase these items.

3 Responses to The 100-calorie snack packs: Pros and Cons

barb says:

I do like the convenience of the cracker pkgs — stick them in my purse and don’t feel like I’m overeating, which I tend to do when I do my “own portions”.

A con I would add is taste — just not that tasty to me.

Kinsey says:

Barb you bring up a good point: practicing self-control and knowing yourself. If you know you tend to overeat and don’t do a good job of measuring your portions then these snack packs could be a good alternative.

Steve says:

One reason why I tend to stay away from these snack packs is cost. They seem to be more expensive than the larger quantities. I just make my own snack packs as described below.

Need: -big box of crackers/cookies/raisins, etc…
-small Glad (TM) sandwich bag

Steps: (1) open up big box (i prefer soft batch cookies made by elves)
(2) open up glad sandwich bag
(3) insert cookies into bag, being careful not to put too much
in…here is where you really have to follow the nutrition
label, as Kinsey wrote about in an earlier post
(4) close glad bag and enjoy!
(5) check for next blog of the day

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