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Plank Balance

Pilates for Runners Workout

This exercise targets your entire body: the front of the body to hold plank and the back of the body to lift and extend the arm and leg. It also adds the element of balance, which is key to firing your internal stabilizers. This will help you remain stable as you near the end of your next run or race. Runners in general tend to overlook neuromuscular, or proprioceptive, balance exercises. However, they are essential in creating deep strength and activation of the core for more fluid and stronger running.

Here's how: 1. Starting on your hand and knees, exhale through the mouth to lift into plank position with feet hip distance apart.

  1. Inhale to hold.

  2. Exhale to further engage the abdominals and lengthen the right arm and left leg off the ground. (Photo 14)

  3. Balance for 10 breathes.

  4. Inhale to place the hand and foot back on the floor.

Repeat with the left arm and right leg.


  1. Focus on lengthening the extended arm and leg as you scoop your abs to the ceiling. This will help you balance.

  2. To modify, add stability by remaining on the hands and knees while lengthening the arm and leg, or only extend the arm OR leg, not both.

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