Diets in Review Question

How to eat vegan while dealing with Gerd

Lois Siegel asked this question Aug 14th, 2011 10:13 pm

I have Gerd and this plan, with all the tomatoes and spices has caused a problem with my Gerd. I enjoy the vegan way of eating but need to find recipes that will not cause a Gerd problem. Any suggestions!

This question is about 21-Day Vegan Kickstart

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Following a diet that's both vegan and won't trigger your GERD can be a challenge, but it is possible. You may need to get creative and try some of those recipes without tomatoes or the spices. Instead, consider flavoring foods with fresh herbs, ginger, soy sauce and toasted nuts.

Although I'm not vegan, I do suffer from acid reflux, and the cookbook Dropping Acid has been a huge help to me. Not all the recipes are vegan, but there are certainly some, and you could substitute tofu for meat or fish in many of the recipes.

posted on Aug 15th, 2011 10:10 am