Diets in Review Question

How can the frozen meal concept of Bistro MD diet work for 13 months?

lib asked this question Jan 26th, 2013 1:14 am

How is it possible for anyone stay on any frozen diet like Bistro MD for 13 months? That feels like an eternity to me. Two weeks or 1 month of any frozen diet feels more realistic. These days fresh beats all for long term diets for every reason under the sun. Just ask the magic 8 ball google or any nutritionist. There are so many reasons to choose fresh diet deliveries for long term. and now so many deliveries to choose from. If you can't afford the very best quality like a Freshology or Sunfare, than grab a basic one like fresh diet or chefs diet. Today you can get a fresh program at a moderate quality at the same price you pay for Bistro MD, they have less sodium and much better for you. I live in LA now and I've tried all of these, the top are much better than all, but the others ok and better than frozen any-day.

This question is about The Best Meal Delivery Diet: Reviews of Bistro MD, Diet To Go, Freshology

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