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Biggest Loser News

CRY of the WEEK

What a moment watching Shanon carry Filipe across the gym - twice!


Joelle didn't put forth the necessary effort to keep Carla at the ranch, thus sacrificing the opportunity for them both.


“This is the Olympics of weight loss. It's not realistic to go home and lose these numbers.”
- Jillian, on the unique circumstances at the ranch.

Grilled Salmon Burgers

Grilled Salmon Burgers

From the new Biggest Loser 30-Day Jump Start comes a fresh recipe just in time for Spring grilling. Salmon, cilantro, ginger and lime make a juicy and flavorful salmon burger. 170 Calories, 23g Protein, 7g Fat


Biggest Loser Reviews

Interested in playing the home-version of Biggest Loser? It's easy with the many products and programs created by the show and its trainers. Get a first look with these reviews.


Natural Health Newsletter

We're pleased to now offer a once-monthly Natural Health Newsletter, focused on living a healthy and positive lifestyle. Let this be a a place for you to find resources to guide you on your path to eating better, living healthier and laughing along the way. We're partnering with Amy Vermeer of to share more information about personal wellness and growth.

Each month the newsletter will feature a can't-miss nutritional topic, inspiring fitness guidance, a healthy and tasty recipe, coverage of related news and something good for the soul- an introduction to a worthwhile charitable organization.

Sign-up today for the Natural Health Newsletter


Eliminated Week 5: Joelle and Carla

The Silver Bullets left the Biggest Loser ranch this week, and it appears that's where they left their friendship. The two spoke separately to Coleen about their continued weight loss journeys at home and the ways in which they are pushing themselves to meet their personal goals for the finale. And in a moment you won't hear anywhere else, the former Biggest Loser contestant offers some encouraging advice to each of them.

Hear the interviews now.

Coleen's Week 5 Recap

"After an emotional display from Carla, we don’t hear much from Joelle and whether she wants to be there another week or not. Mike states the obvious by letting the teams know that “words are cheap and actions speak” in that house. With four out of six votes, the Silver Team is sent back to Michigan."

See Coleen's Recap

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