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Change Can be Good

Change is one of those words that can make grown adults shudder. However, it’s a necessary evil, especially when you want to make a difference in your own life. Whether that change is being more active, losing weight, eating a healthier diet, or devoting more time to a special interest- it’s not always easy to embrace. At, change is the word of the day. We’ve had a lot of them lately, and throughout the summer you can expect more, but all for the better! This newsletter shares some of those changes - new Diet Blog features, our new fitness expert, and how video games are now fitness tools. Remember this quote from Ghandi - “Be the change you want to see in others” - and examine the way change can be a positive influence in your life.

Wii Fit changes the face of video games

Wii Fit

Thanks to the new Wii Fit, two very different worlds have collided. No longer are video games reserved for couch potatoes, now anyone who feels like hitting the gym can call themselves a video gamer. If you’re a gym rat, have a regular exercise routine, or looking to add a little activity to your week, the Wii Fit is, well, a perfect fit. You'll get a serious cardio workout, focus on core strengthening and do it all at a time and place that is most convenient for you.

Where gym memberships and fitness classes can cost hundreds to thousands of dollars every year, the Wii Fit is a one-time investment. The game is only about $90 and the Wii console is about $250. Figure in the added advantage of saved gym fees, gas for driving to and from and the time- you’ve got a serious bargain on your hands.

Wii Fit BMI didn’t want to just take this fancy new fitness gadget at face value, we wanted to see for ourselves. Staff writer Jim Crews was one of the first in line for the Wii Fit release on May 21 and quickly set out to provide our very first video review.

In his post on the Diet Blog, Jim makes a surprising revelation - “When is the last time you had your friends over to exercise?” It’s a funny thought, but one that might become quite common. Dinner guests can bring a pair of sweats with them, out of town visitors don’t have to worry about guest gym passes and you can even spend quality time with your kids by working out together.

For more of’s coverage of the Wii Fit, check out these links:


You can find hundreds of free recipes at that complement your Weight Watchers, Diabetic or Low-Carb/Atkins Diet. Recipes like the following don't make you sacrifice flavor for your diet's sake.

BBQ Chicken

BBQ Chicken Soak up the warm weather with a backyard cookout with this fantastic BBQ Chicken. It has only 2.2g Carbs per serving, and a tangy homemade sauce everyone will rave about.

Diabetic Deviled Eggs

Diabetic Deviled Eggs Compliment your health-conscious cookout with these yummy Diabetic Deviled Eggs. It's that classic picnic favorite, with only 91 calories and 2 Weight Watchers Points. One serving counts as one medium-fat exchange.

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Matt’s Fitness Tip


Eating meals can be rather stressful when you’re on a diet, but there are a few ways to spark the metabolism while eating. Spicy foods and ice cold water are two of the hidden secrets to increasing the metabolism. Meals with this combination should help you see the spike in metabolism you’ve been missing.

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