Tag Archives: trx training

Michelle Moran Lost 213 Pounds and Her Binge Eating Habit, “I Only Trusted Myself to Buy Enough Groceries for One Day.”

It’s been three years since Michele Moran tipped the scales at almost 400 pounds. Overweight as a child, Michelle adopted a habit of binge eating that only got worse when she moved out on her own. Now, with a new healthy outlook on food and a weight loss of 213 pounds, Michelle is looking forward to a bright future – and maybe even a triathlon.

Michelle Moran collage

More from Michelle in her own words –

Tell me when your weight struggles began. I have been bigger since childhood. When I turned 13, I was wearing a size 13. I remember someone mentioning that I seemed to be going up a pant size every year. From that moment on I was consciously aware and insecure about my weight.

“When I lived at home I binged when people were asleep. When I moved out on my own it got even worse.”

What habits specifically led you to gain weight? Lack of exercise contributed, but the main issue was binge eating. My dinner might be an entire pizza, bag of chips and a box of Hamburger Helper. I felt sick and I was in pain, but I did it every single day.

What caused you to realize you needed to change? I couldn’t fit into the largest sizes at plus size stores. I could only wear tights or elastic waist pants or dresses. I couldn’t fit into seats at the movies, sporting events, roller coasters, or even just booths in restaurants.


NBA Basketball Stars’ Workouts, Including Kevin Durant and Lebron James

While football teams are bulked out with the biggest and toughest guys around, basketball teams are stocked with lean, mean, jumping machines. Speed, agility, balance, and even a nice long jump are all key to running up the score board. You don’t get that from resting on your laurels or your hind end, and any NBA player worth his salt spends as much time in the gym as they do on the hardwood.

As we’re in the thick of basketball season, and New Year’s resolution season is creeping up on us, we thought some of you might find inspiration in the fitness regimens of your favorite star players. Basketball season may have a definitive start and finish date, but players like Kevin Durant and Carmelo Anthony know that’s when they build most of their strength, improve their balance, and even bulk up a bit.

Click here to see how these stars, as well as Lebron James, Steve Nash, and Dwight Howard workout.

View Basketball Stars' Workout Plans Slideshow