Tag Archives: tony posnanski

10 Weight Loss Tips Everyone Needs to Hear

Guest blogger Tony Posnanski is the author of The Anti-Jared. Tony struggled with weight loss his whole life until he realized he was not going to be fooled anymore. He has lost more than 200 pounds and maintained it for more than a year. Tony works out six days a week, eats better than before, and has a new outlook on things!

Hi! My name is Tony and I have lost a lot of weight. I have kept off close to 200 pounds for eighteen months! I am working out every day, and I changed the way I eat!

So, I am going to give you my top ten tips on weight loss. Ready…..

1.    B…….

Okay, what can I say that you have not heard before? Am I really that much smarter than anyone else? I wonder. Hmmmmm, we know about eating less, moving more. Am I going to be condescending? Ten tips?

Anyway, back to the ten tips on weight loss….. (more…)

Weight Loss Success is Not Forgetting Where You Came From

Guest blogger Tony Posnanski is the author of The Anti-Jared. Tony struggled with weight loss his whole life until he realized he was not going to be fooled anymore. He has lost more than 200 pounds and maintained it for more than a year. Tony works out six days a week, eats better than before, and has a new outlook on things!

After losing a considerable amount of weight, I get a lot of questions about weight loss.

What should I eat?
How often should I work out?
What vitamins work the best?

Most people who have success with weight loss get asked these questions. People want to know: Is it easier than what they are doing now?

I never know the right answer. So many people lose weight so many ways. There are a bazillion diets and workout plans. Because I am a life-long dieter I know that the only perfect diet is the one you are successful at.

In fact, weight loss is like a snowflake – no two people lost weight the exact same way.

Sometimes that is not fair of me to not answer those questions. After losing over 200 pounds, I should have some sort of advice.

So here it is… (more…)

Do You Ever Become Skinny after Weight Loss?

Guest blogger Tony Posnanski is the author of The Anti-Jared. Tony struggled with weight loss his whole life until he realized he was not going to be fooled anymore. He has lost more than 200 pounds and maintained it for more than a year. Tony works out six days a week, eats better than before, and has a new outlook on things!

What is skinny?

I have heard it all of my life. Heck, I have said it all of my life. What is it to be skinny? I knew what it was like to be overweight. You know, fat, chunky, thick!

I knew what it was like to wake up in cold sweats.
To walk and feel back pain.
To not be able to put on a seat belt.
I knew what it was like to have to get clothes specially made for me. I knew what it was like to think I would die any minute.

But skinny?

I think that many people want to be skinny. Does skinny even exist I wonder? (more…)

Creating Your Own 60-Day Diet

My name is Tony Posnanski, and odds are you have never heard of me. I have a wife and newborn and have been a restaurant manager for over 10 years. Just like any other guy I love sports, spending time with my wife and I love to read.tony posnanski

I also have lost more weight than any Biggest Loser contestant, 221.4 pounds to be exact. I did it all in a year without surgery or pills, and have maintained it for four months. (more…)

No Father’s Day Gift Necessary for Dad Who Lost 220 Pounds

tony posnanskiThe week of June 15 is Men’s Health Week at DietsInReview.com, just in time to celebrate the special men in your life. Tony Posnanski joins as a Men’s Health guest blogger. Tony is the author of The Anti-Jared. Tony struggled with weight loss his whole life until he realized he was not going to be fooled anymore. He has lost over 200 pounds and maintained it for four months. Tony works out six days a week, eats better than before, and has a new outlook on things!

“Daddy! What do you want for Father’s Day?”

In a couple of years, this is the question my son will be asking me! It is so amazing to believe that I am going to have a son this year! What is even more amazing is that my doctor’s projected me to be dead of a heart attack this year. (more…)