Tag Archives: soft drinks

Venezuela Says No to Coke Zero

coke zeroRelations between the U.S. and Venezuela in recent years have been, shall we say, not so good. And President Hugo Chavez is not likely to put the breaks on his heavy anti-capitalist rhetoric anytime soon. Some of his latest moves have been on the dietary front.

Chavez and his government are taking on Coca Cola and their Coke Zero product. Health Minister Jesus Mantilla has said that Coke Zero can no longer be sold in his country, and the inventory that is stocked must be removed from store shelves. (more…)

Soda May Cause Muscle Paralysis

sodaPopeye had spinach to make his muscles pop. Inversely, pop (soda) may actually make our muscles weaker.

Doctors are warning that cola drinks, when consumed in excess, deplete the body of potassium, which can lead to weakness, and much worse – muscle paralysis.

Dr. Moses Elisaf of the University of Ioannina in Greece authored the research paper that’s come to these conclusions. He says that the hypokalaemia (potassium deficiency) can be caused by excessive consumption of glucose, fructose and caffeine, common ingredients in cola drinks. (more…)

Is Pepsi Throwback Healthier?

throwback-pepsiWhat is Throwback Natural Pepsi?
This product was first launched in the UK in which Pepsi marketed and introduced “Pepsi Raw.”  This Pepsi Raw is a “corn syrup free, all natural soda.”  Pepsi Raw has been transformed in the U.S. as the new throwback natural sugar Pepsi.

Throwback Natural Pepsi is marketed as a premium soda made with sugar, natural caramel and kola nut extract in place of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) compared to the traditional Pepsi, which contains HFCS, artificial coloring, phosphoric acid, caffeine citric acid and natural flavors.  Pepsi is calling it natural due to it being made with sugar rather than the controversial HFCS that’s seen in so many products these days.  This new Pepsi is supposedly paler in color and less fizzy than other cola products. (more…)

Watch What You Drink, Not Just What You Eat

When we talk about diet, it’s almost always about solid foods. But don’t overlook what you drink. It’s a big mistake, as it impacts our weight a great deal. Here’s the report from CNN:


The Truth About Juice, Soda and Water

Today I am going to breakdown the difference between drink choices and how they can affect your workouts. The recommended serving size is eight fluid ounces, but I am going discuss what a 20 ounce serving can do. The human body is made up of almost all water and it is recommended that you drink at least 64 fluid ounces of water a day. I recommend drinking 80 to 90 ounces of water if you workout on a regular basis. Soda, tea, and coffee are a few examples of diuretics, which dehydrate the body.

Below is a breakdown of drink choices, calories in each, and how long it will take to burn. The following exercise information is based on a four mile per hour walking pace. (more…)

New York Governor Proposes Obesity Tax

These days, state governors don’t have a lot of clout with the public. Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich has his corruption mess going on. And not long ago, Governor Eliot Spitzer of New York bowed out in shame after his infidelities. But his successor has a budget – and obesity – crisis he wants to tackle.

Governor David Paterson, the man who took Spitzer’s place, has an idea, and it’s not endearing him to many more people than the aforementioned public servants.

Governor Paterson wrote a special commentary for CNN.com explaining why he feels that we need to have an obesity tax. Like most of us, Paterson is worried about the epidemic that is childhood obesity. One way he wants to combat it is by taxing soft drinks, something he’s proposed in his latest state budget. (more…)

How to Wean Yourself Off Diet Soda

Granted, diet sodas are lower in calories than regular soda, but drinking soda isn’t really the best thing for you. I’ve said it numerous times that water should be your number one choice for hydrating yourself and quenching your thirst, but too often people grab a diet soda instead. Last Friday, Jillian Michaels wrote a blog on “meeting your soda quota”. Simply saying that she was addicted to diet soda and understands the struggles behind weaning yourself off them and off artificial sweeteners. Jillian recommends drinking unsweetened coffee and tea to get your caffeine fix or sweetening with xylitol and stevia because they are more natural than sucralose (Splenda).

Research has shown that consuming diet soda is a culprit for our society’s weight problems. The idea behind it is that drinking soda (regular or diet) doesn’t quench your thirst and, in fact, can play a detrimental role in altering one’s metabolism by somehow changing our brain’s chemistry. (more…)