Tag Archives: saturday morning drills

Saturday Morning Drill: Bikini Body Blast

Kick-off the weekend with my bikini body blast workout, it’s a head-to-toe set of exercises that will keep you in shape for that bikini (or help you get closer!).

Watch my brief video demonstration of each of the exercises, and follow the reps instruction below.

  • Lunge, Squat side leg lift 8-10 on each leg
  • Squat and side leg lift 8-10 alternating
    Footballer cardio Interval 30-60 seconds
  • Side Plank Lift 1 x 8 and 1 x8 small pulses for extra burn

Repeat the circuit two more times for extra calorie burn.

See more of Tracey Mallett’s workouts and fitness tips.

Saturday Morning Drills: Get Gorgeous Calves

Looking for ways to get gorgeous calves? We have the best exercises to get you those envious calves in no time! The calf muscles are made up of two main muscles; the gastrocnemius and soleus. These muscles are used every time you walk, run and go up and down stairs. In order to get the defined calves you are looking for try to following exercises two to three times a week. If you are looking to also lose weight include this with additional lower body strength training  and cardio for best results.

Before you start the exercises below make sure you are properly warmed up by walking or jogging for at least ten minutes. Always use proper form and avoid doing these exercises daily to avoid injury.

Calf Raise

This exercise is good to do if you don’t have access to gym equipment. Calf raises can be done freestanding on just about anything raised up (e.g. stairs, blocks, books, etc.) or even from the floor. For more of a challenge they can be done one leg at a time. To work the inside of your calves, set your feet farther apart and rise up onto the inside balls of your feet. To work the outside, set your feet in close and rise up on the outside balls of your feet. Do not turn your toes in or out as this will put stress on your knees.

Leg Press Machine

This machine is primarily used for the upper legs but shifting your feet slightly will put the focus on your calves. If the machine plate is adjustable, set it a little bit higher. While sitting in the seat and starting with a lower weight (until you figure out how much is best for you) place your toes near the bottom of the pressing plate (where your heels would normally go). Use your toes to push the plate and then slowly let it come back down. (more…)

Saturday Morning Drills: Sculpted Sexy Thighs

If there was a part of my body that I wish would just magically look the way I want them to I would have to choose my thighs. Like other women who are pear shaped, slimming and firming the lower part of my body is very challenging.

You would think the best way to fix this problem is to eat better and exercise right? Not exactly. If those are the only things you do, you will be disappointed with the results. So what in the world can you do? The answer is strength training.

You may be thinking I want to slim down my thighs, not make them bulky! Then you probably believe strength training will end up making women look like body builders on steroids. We advise you need to stop thinking that immediately. Women have no need to worry about looking that way because we lack the high testosterone levels found in men (unless you actually are taking steroids, which is another issue entirely). For women, strength training can help you transform your body into a lean, fat-burning machine by increasing sexy muscle tone and reducing body fat.

When you have more muscle than fat, your body is burning more calories which in turn helps you burn even more fat, helping you get those sleek and firm thighs.

Saturday Morning Drills: Yoga Slim Down

Yoga is known for relieving stress but did you know research has shown it also helps slim you down? A study published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found a strong link between yoga practice and weight maintenance, and researchers attribute it to “mindful” eating. It showed yoga lowers levels of stress hormones and increases insulin sensitivity-a signal that informs your body to burn food instead of storing it as fat. One of the examples is being able to turn down unhealthy foods regardless of temptations. It also showed those who practice yoga consistently learn to stay calm when faced with stress and discomforts. The study found these results were unique to those who practiced yoga and not other activities such as walking or running.

The yoga poses below will help firm your muscles and increase flexibility. They will also help you achieve lower levels of stress and will increase your insulin sensitivity while building tolerance and self control.


Gear: A yoga mat or carpeted space.

How to See Results: Follow this routine at least 3 times a week, holding each move 1 time for 5 deep breaths. If you are feeling strong, hold each pose for up to 8 breaths and repeat two to three times. When you finish make sure you drink plenty of water.

Have Fun With It: Light your favorite candle and play calming music in the background (more…)

Saturday Morning Drills: Lose Your Muffin Top

April has hit us and what better time to focus on losing the dreaded Muffin top? Who doesn’t want to get ready to strut your stuff on the beach with confidence?

Here are a couple of my all time favorite exercises that target the obliques by working them against the resistance of your own body weight. Perform these exercises at least 3-4 times a week for best results, but remember you need to combine them with some cardio such as walking, jogging, swimming or cycling to help lose overall body fat.

Muffin Blaster – Side Planks

Start with your elbow bent on the floor with your shoulder and wrist inline with elbow. Your top leg is crossed in front with your hips facing forwards and the arm is extended resting on the hip.

Inhale as you drop the hips toward the floor then exhale and lift the hips back to the start position.

Tips: Keep your weight out of your shoulder by drawing your shoulder blades down towards the hips and focus on lifting the hips with the obliques.

Reps: 1 x 15 reps on each side

Waist Shrinker – Side Twists

Start with your elbow bent on the floor with your shoulder and wrist inline with elbow. Your top leg is crossed in front with your hips facing forwards. The arm is extended overhead in line with the shoulder and the palm is facing forwards.

Exhale as you draw the abs in towards the spine, and reach the arm underneath your supporting arm as you rotate the torso and lift your hips towards the ceiling. Inhale and rotate the body and arm back to start position.

Tips: Rotate your body and lift your hips as high as you can and look under your arm.

Reps: 1 x 10 reps on each side.

Try Tracey’s lower-body workout with this video for Simple Chair Exercises.

Saturday Morning Drills: Sexy Summer Abs

By Jessica Smith

Don’t waste time doing a bunch of crunches in hopes of flattening your abs for swimsuit season – instead, focus on moves that use your entire body and target your core muscles to stand taller, and create a stronger, more drawn-in center so you can wear that bathing suit with confidence this year! This Sexy Summer Abs Circuit workout, created by Jessica Smith, fitness expert and creator of the “10 Pounds DOWN: Cardio Abs” DVD, can help you work more muscles at once to burn more calories and speed up your results.

Click through to see the seven moves that will help you wear your swimsuit with confidence this summer!

View Sexy Summer Abs Circuit Workout Slideshow

Also Read:

Jessica Smith’s HIIT Workout

7 Warm-Weather Foods with Surprising Health Benefits

Post-Workout Ice Cream Sandwich Recipe

Saturday Morning Drills: Stretches for Your Upper and Lower Body

Whenever I workout, especially after a hard workout, I always make sure to spend some time stretching. For me, stretching is like the dessert of my workout, it’s my favorite part. I love feeling my heart and breath slow down while I lean into a deep stretch. It helps me wind down both physically and mentally.

So, how important is it to stretch? Some benefits of stretching include decreasing pain and soreness after exercise, improves circulation, range of motion, and posture. It also decreases muscle tension and soreness.

If you lack time, you do not need to stretch after every workout. However, if you’ve just finished a hard workout or a new workout, make sure you allow time for it.

Before starting any kind of stretch make sure your body is warmed up. You will increase the risk of injury if you try to stretch “cold” muscles.

During your stretching it is important to keep a couple things in mind. Always stretch slowly (even if you’re in a hurry) and always stretch both sides of the body. Hold each stretch for at least 15 seconds and make sure you are breathing! People tend to hold their breath while stretching and this could lead to injury, and also prevents the muscles from getting the oxygen they need. Never bounce or jerk while stretching and avoid over-stretching. Never push your stretch to the point you are feeling sharp pain or discomfort. (more…)

Saturday Morning Drills: Sexy Shoulder Workout

It’s that time of the year where you finally get to pack away all your bulky sweaters and pull out your sexy tank tops and sundresses. If the warm weather snuck up on you quicker than you expected and your shoulders aren’t quite as sleek and toned as you would prefer, don’t despair, we are here to help!

We have included six easy moves that will get your arms ready for their grand debut in no time. All it takes is 15 minutes 3-4 times a week, starting today!

View Saturday Morning Drills: Sexy Shoulders Slideshow

Saturday Morning Drills: Get a Strong Core Fast

Having a strong core is more important than you realize!

Your core includes your abs, upper legs and back. The main muscles are the obliques, abdominals, lower back and the gluteus. Having strong core muscles will help with more than giving you sizzling-looking abs.  They are responsible for your posture and movement. Here is a list of some other benefits:

  • It will prevent lower back pain and injury. Most lower back injuries are from weak core muscles.
  • It will help improve your overall physical performance. So the stronger these babies are the easier everything else will be.
  • Improves balance
  • Helps you maintain your independence later in life.

I have included some simple and VERY effective exercises that you can do in less than 15 minutes right in your living room! (more…)