Tag Archives: saturday morning drills

Saturday Morning Drill: Jump Rope It

Jumping rope is such a versatile exercise because it can be done anywhere, any time, literally using just a piece of rope. It’s also extremely effective and can burn upwards of 730 calories an hour depending on your weight and intensity level, according to the Mayo Clinic.

The best part? You feel hardcore jump roping and it’s fun! It’s an activity for kids and adults, no matter what your experience or fitness level may be.

In this full body workout we use nothing but a jump rope to scorch calories and tone your muscles. Complete the circuit once all the way through, take a three minute break and then repeat it all over again once and even twice for more of a challenge.

If you don’t have a jump rope, just complete the moves as described holding an “imaginary” jump rope. Let’s get started!

View Saturday Morning Drills: Jump Rope It Slideshow

Saturday Morning Drills: Primal Animal Workout

After watching Kira Stoke’s video on primal animal movements for strength training, I couldn’t resist trying it for myself in this week’s Saturday Drill. This workout can be done anywhere at any time. And though you won’t be using any equipment, your own body weight in these positions will likely leave you more worked up and sweaty than a standard workout at the gym.

Though this workout can be physically demanding if done properly, it could also be a fun one to try with the kids. The key to success in these movements is to literally think and act like an animal would. If you feel silly, you’re probably doing it right.

Some of the animals we’ll be mimicking are gorillas, panthers, ducks, lizards and even seals. By using nothing but your own body weight, you’ll be working on core and upper body strength. Some of the benefits these movements include increased endurance, flexibility, power, posture and balance.

Try this workout at home in a long hallway or in a big open space. You want to be able to walk, waddle, crawl and hop from one end of the room to the other without obstruction. The amount of times you perform each exercise should be based on your current endurance and strength levels. For beginners, I recommend doing each movement 1-2 times. Going from one end of the room and back would count as one set. For those more advanced, try performing each movement at least three times. All but one movement require moving forward or backward.

View Primal Animal Workout Slideshow
Also Read:

Kira Stoke Primal Animal Workouts Propel Your Fitness to Beast Mode

A Time-Saving Kettlebell Workout with Gin Miller

11 Celebrities Who Crossfit to Stay in Shape

Saturday Morning Drill: 6 Moves To a Firmer Butt

It may be the middle of winter but that doesn’t mean we’re not envying for a tighter backside in time for spring. With skinny jeans and leggings still all the rage, I bet there isn’t a woman out there who’d turn down the opportunity to perk up her curvy assets. While there’s no “magic trick” to firming up your backside, there are plenty of moves you can do to sculpt lean muscles and burn a little fat at the same time.

This week’s Saturday Drill is packed with exercises that focus in on your backside and make your skinny jean dreams a reality: Six moves that require no equipment, and can be done in the comfort of your own home.

Each exercise is listed with a recommended repetition count, but complete more if you’re wanting more of a challenge. As well, complete the entire circuit 2-4 times all the way through to reap even more benefits. You could also incorporate cardio into this routine by jumping rope or running in place for 60 seconds between each move.  (more…)

Saturday Morning Drill: How to Get Cameron Diaz’s Sexy Legs

Every human body is different; different in many ways, in fact. But the difference I’m referring to here is the way our individual bodies store fat. Some bodies store fat from the waist up while others store it from the waist down. This is why we’re all a different shape and have to target different body parts for toning.

Last Saturday we worked on those abdominals to help tighten up your core. This Saturday, we’re focusing on those legs. The exciting part about this week’s workout is we’ve got the scoop on what Hollywood superstar Cameron Diaz does to keep her legs in red carpet shape. Look at those gams!

It’s not hard to tell that Diaz takes very good care of her body. One of her favorite ways to workout is Crossfit. Though some of her workouts may be more advanced than the average person, there are some moves she incorporates into her routine that anyone can do, anywhere and at anytime. (more…)

Saturday Morning Drill: Combine Pilates and Yoga in Two Moves

Eventually, no matter how many times you extend into upward dog and stretch back into downward dog, your body will start to adapt and you will hit a plateau in strength and endurance. While we know the goal of practicing yoga is not always about muscular development, when you do want to get stronger, adding Pilates to your yoga sequence is a great way to make that happen.

The following two Pilates-inspired exercises will help you wake up your core and take your yoga practice to an entirely new level. For best results, practice each exercise back-to-back, and in the middle of your yoga sequence, when your body is warm and limber.

Criss Cross Exercise

From a supine position, bring both hands behind your head. Bend both knees and stack them directly over your hips. Lift your head and chest and twist your upper body to the right while extending your left leg at a 45-degree angle. (more…)

Saturday Morning Drills: 7 Moves to Amazing Abs

Let’s be honest: Everyone wants flat, sexy abs, but it’s easier said than done, right? While roughly 90 percent of sculpting flat abs has to do with your diet – eating the proper foods to slim your middle – the other 10 percent has to do with fitness. So once you have your diet on track you can shift you focus to manipulating your abs with exercise, which is way more fun in our opinion.

In this week’s Saturday Morning Drill we’re focusing on just that: Amazing abs. The workout is comprised of seven simple moves that will not only get your heart rate up but sculpt every ab muscle you have (even the ones you didn’t realize you had). All you need is a yoga mat or a soft floor surface  – you don’t even need shoes or equipment! Going through the workout once will serve you well, but try completing it several times for even more of a challenge.

View Saturday Morning Drills: 7 Moves to Amazing Abs Slideshow


Also Read:

15 Reps in 15 Minutes: Full Body Workout 

Fit in Five: Off the Ground Core Exercises 

Jersey Shore’s JWOWW Shares Her Bikini Body Workout Secrets

Saturday Morning Drill: A Beginner’s Workout for Your New Year’s Resolution

It’s January, and you know what that means. It’s diet season and everyone’s out to be successful with their New Year’s Resolutions. Whether your goal is to lose weight, gain muscle or to just simply become healthier, it’s easier said than done. For a lot people, getting started is the hardest part. Knowing what to start with may be even more difficult.

For this week’s Saturday Morning Drill, we’ve put together a simple beginners workout that can be done anywhere at any time by using nothing but your own body weight. This is a total body workout that will really get your heart beating, the blood flowing and the muscles working. But don’t worry, it’s definitely bearable. The last thing we want to do is discourage you on the first workout!

This workout is divided into four sections. You’ll start with a type of cardiovascular exercise to get your heart rate up and follow it (without rest) with a strength training exercise. Between each section, rest for one to two minutes. Practice this every day for your first week and see if you can work your way up to doing the workout multiple times in a row.

View A Beginners Workout for Your New Years Resolution Slideshow

Also Read:

Beginners Guide to Resistance Training

Saturday Morning Drills: Post-Workout Stressing 

Absolute Beginners Fitness: 3 in 1 Kettlebell

Saturday Morning Drill: 15-Minute Energy Booster

New Year’s Day is almost here and we have the perfect workout for you. This 15-minute routine will boost your energy and your spirits this weekend in preparation for any big celebrations you might have in the coming week. Not only that, it’s a great workout to have in your back pocket for the New Year when you’re in need of a quick energy boost to get you through the day.

This Saturday Morning Drill is comprised of eight exercises: Six that will elevate your heart rate and tone your whole body, and two that will stretch your body and relax your mind. Let’s get started!

View Saturday Morning Drill: Energy Booster Slideshow

Saturday Morning Drills: Yoga for Holiday Stress Relief

With the holidays here and nearly at their peak, we can only image how busy and stressed most of you must be scrambling to finish all of your shopping and gift wrapping before you either hit the road or relatives arrive at your home. Stressed is exactly where we’re at, but we have a solution.

We often get so caught up in all the hustle and bustle that we forget to take time off and just relax. And working out? Is there really enough space on your to do list for that, too? Here’s an idea: Kill two birds with one stone by adding some yoga to your routine this Saturday morning (before hitting your ever-growing to do list). We promise it will provide both relaxation and a refreshing workout in one session.

Studies have found yoga to provide benefits such as stress reduction, increased flexibility, weight management, total body toning, improved balance, increased strength and decreased chances of injury. And that’s not all –  it can also aid in managing chronic health conditions such as depression, pain, anxiety, cancer, insomnia and fatigue. It can even help reduce heart rate and blood pressure! Good luck with coming up with any reasons why not to give this extremely beneficial practice a try. Now, let’s get started.

View Saturday Morning Drills: Yoga for Holiday Stress Relief Slideshow

Also Read:

Yoga For Babies

The Yoga Bible

Yoga For Anywhere

Saturday Morning Drill: Zombie Apocalypse Workout

According to the ancient Mayan calendar the world is going to end on December 21, 2024 – which has now been deemed the zombie apocalypse. We don’t know exactly what the world’s end could mean. There could potentially be a virus that enters human bodies and turns half the population into zombies! This is serious stuff people (wink, wink)!

To survive this supposed doomsday you’re going to want stamina to escape the clutches of zombies and other serious threats. Luckily, this week’s Saturday Morning Drill provides workouts that will help you prepare for a potential zombie apocalypse. Zombies have been a hot topic this year. Zombie Runs were held in cities where runners completed a 5k dodging zombies along the course. Although compared to humans, zombies are slower and lack communication skills, the only thing they think about is killing and eating you – yikes! So in order to live through the zombie apocalypse you’ll need to be faster and smarter than any zombie out there hungry for blood.

Running, boxing, and kickboxing are just a few of the workouts incorporated into our zombie apocalypse workout. Don’t forget to have your water bottle nearby because dodging zombies will leave you thirsty! And, even if there isn’t a zombie apocalypse after all, the workouts in this drill will still help you feel healthier and more physically fit. Let’s get started!
View Saturday Morning Drill: Zombie Apocalypse Workout Slideshow

Saturday Morning Drill: 7 Planks for a Stronger Core

If you’re a fitness enthusiast of any degree, chances are you’ve found yourself elbows down, back straight, holding yourself up in a plank. Perhaps it was your personal trainer who put you there, a workout video that forced you to hold one for “just 60 more seconds” at the end of a difficult session, or you discovered their somewhat torturous nature on your own. Whatever the case you can be certain that you’ve been doing planks for good a reason: They actually work.

Planks are an extremely beneficial workout not only for your shoulders, front and back of thighs, chest, and back muscles running up and down your spine, but also your core. When your body weight is suspended, relying on your elbows and feet for support, your core muscles are forced to kick in and engage to hold you up. Try holding a plank for just 15 seconds and you’ll see what I mean. No matter how effective they may be, however, lest we branch out from the traditional plank we’re destined to get bored of the whole exercise altogether and travel back to a less-effective sit-up for a stronger core.

In this week’s Saturday Morning Drill we’re seeking to break you out of your plank comfort zone and guide you into more challenging variations, including a side plank that engages the oblique muscles and a knee drop that will have your abs screaming by the time you hit 20 reps. So get on your workout gear, pull up a yoga mat for elbow cushion and let’s get started!

View Saturday Morning Drill: 7 Planks to a Stronger Core Slideshow