Tag Archives: Raphael Calzadilla

6 Crazy Fitness Myths

Raphael Calzadilla, BA, CPT, ACE is a certified personal trainer and has been for almost 20 years. He is also a natural competitive bodybuilder, 2001 Mr. Connecticut, and winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, earning him status as a drug-free professional bodybuilder. You can learn more about Raphael at his website www.fitbyraphael.com.

When you don’t know a lot about health and fitness and you start a fitness or nutrition program given to you by a person who lacks experience in the industry, it’s a lot like going to buy a new car, but not knowing how the car is built. You just have to trust whose doing the selling. Never a good idea.

So, let’s take a look at six myths that tend to trip people up in their quest to lose weight and get fit. (more…)

Fat Blasting Boot Camp Workout

Raphael Calzadilla is a certified trainer with the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and has been a personal trainer for almost 20 years. He is also a natural competitive bodybuilder, 2001 Mr. Connecticut, and winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, earning him status as a drug-free professional bodybuilder. You can learn more about Raphael at his website www.fitbyraphael.com.

If you could find a workout that was relatively brief, not boring, didn’t require equipment and that could fit into your insane schedule, life would be a whole lot easier. Well, I’ve designed a boot camp workout that’s an effective, calorie-burner that you can do in your living room.

The program works your entire body and has you moving from one exercise to another in a circuit fashion with no rest.

Get ready because you’re going to sweat and you’re going to have to do some work, but I guarantee that you’ll love the results.

Perform all of the exercises in succession with no rest between exercises. After you complete the circuit, rest 45 seconds to one minute and repeat one more time. Beginners perform one to two circuits at your own pace. Intermediates two circuits and advanced, three sweat-filled circuits. The routine can be performed three to four days per week. (more…)

Simple Secret to Make Cellulite Disappear

Raphael Calzadilla is a certified trainer with the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and has been a personal trainer for almost 20 years. He is also a natural competitive bodybuilder, 2001 Mr. Connecticut, and winner of the prestigious WNBF (World Natural Bodybuilding Federation) Pro Card, earning him status as a drug-free professional bodybuilder. You can learn more about Raphael at his website www.fitbyraphael.com.

Four years ago I was asked to speak at a fitness and nutrition seminar. With the audience being primarily women, I was excited to once and for all clear up the misconceptions about cellulite. Finally, it was my chance to talk about the infamous cottage cheese-look that makes women cringe in disgust.

I enthusiastically told my wife, Pam, and shared some of my material. She was excited about the subject matter and was listening intently. I told her that, from a medical standpoint, cellulite doesn’t exist. Her eyes got so big I thought I’d be shot on the spot, but I told her to be patient because it gets better.

I told her that cellulite is nothing more than fat. Len Kravitz Ph.D., who published an outstanding article “Cellulite: Everything You Want To Know and More,” in which he said “the name (cellulite) originated from the French medical literature over 150 years ago.” He goes onto describe the physiological reasons why cellulite is nothing more than plain old body fat. (more…)

Top 7 Protein Sources

Proteins, which are made up of amino acids, are the building blocks for your body. Protein helps children grow and helps build and maintain muscle mass in adults.

If you want to build muscle, a substantial level of protein intake is important. Ladies often wrongly worry that they will bulk up and lose their feminine look. Not true. Plus, avoiding weight training makes losing unwanted pounds more difficult, because even moderate toning will up your metabolism 24 hours a day (muscle burns more calories).

With the help of eDiets.com‘s Chief Fitness Pro Raphael Calzadilla, I’ve put together seven high protein sources that will ensure you get your daily dose in a healthy manner:

1. Egg whites – They may not be as tasty as the whole egg, but they are an efficient protein source.

“Egg whites are an excellent source of protein, because the protein is instantly absorbed by your body,” says Raphael. “They also have no fat and no cholesterol.”

2. Whole egg – For years, fear of the cholesterol in egg yolk has made people shy away from this wonderful source of protein. But in moderation, you have nothing to worry about.

Even though the yolk is high in cholesterol, it is also higher in protein than the egg whites. One of the best sources of protein is the yolk in the egg. A Harvard study, published in The Journal of the American Medical Association showed eating an egg a day did not raise the risk of heart disease.

3. Steak – Beef… it’s what’s for dinner… and it’s what’s for muscles if you want more of them. And not just protein, but creatine and iron and iron as well.

4. Chicken – Prefer something a little leaner? Chicken is a mainstay in bodybuilder’s diets. Lean cuts of chicken breast have 28 grams of protein, no carbs and only 2 grams of fat.

5. Tuna – Have you ever seen those dedicated gym rats eating tuna right out of the can? It may seem a little crude, but tuna is a hit for muscle gain, and the convenience outweighs the “lack of decorum.” Higher consumption of fish is associated with a reduced risk of some types of stroke among middle-aged women, according to an article in the January 17 issue of The Journal of the American Medical Association.

6. Cottage cheese – Guys, don’t let your egos get in the way. This may be a staple of women’s diets, but there’s nothing wimpy about eating this high-protein food.

“Protein in cottage cheese is of extremely high quality and contains all of the essential amino acids (building blocks of protein) in the amounts proportional to the body’s needs,” says Raphael.

7. Salmon – If you get sick of tuna, but still want to get your protein from the sea, salmon is a great alternative. Postpone your appointment with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates by consuming this omega-3-rich fish.