Tag Archives: prescription audio

Sound Therapy for Weight Loss and Giveway Offer

The ReMind Weight Loss MP3 Player

Guest bloggers, Jill Slane and her husband, Rod, developed Prescription Audio in 2005. Prescription Audio offers a wide variety of portable MP3 and CD programs that promote healthy living through natural wellness. For more information, visit Prescription Audio.

Does it ever feel like your mind is literally working against you when you’re dieting? That’s probably because it is. Many of our choices about what, when and how to eat are subtly and overtly influenced by a host of factors every day – including work schedules, sleep patterns, travel time, exercise plans, available food options, their relative costs, advertising, our families and peer groups, along with many other influencers. 

Our bodies are so stressed by the rigors of modern life we often switch our brains to autopilot without even noticing when faced with thousands of daily decisions. That’s one reason why it’s so hard to break habits and partly explains why we have to literally retrain our minds to achieve long-term dieting and health success.
