Tag Archives: loose skin

The New Anti-Aging Secret for Younger Looking Skin: Exercise

Some of us know all to well that as we age, there are dramatic changes to our skin, and not usually for the better. Crow’s feet, laugh lines, sagging skin, the works. But now, science is proving that moderate cardio exercise can reverse these natural processes at any age.

exercise aging

The New York Times recently reported on a study from McMaster University in Ontario, one of the big names in exercise physiology research. Essentially, scientists found the above to be true: that exercise can slow or even reverse the signs of aging skin. How? Well, they’re not quite sure how it works—one theory is that an increase in a certain muscle protein called myokines helps halt and reverse the process. Regardless of the actual process, researchers say they have clear proof that it does work—and that younger looking skin could be just a few workouts away. (more…)

Body Contouring After Weight Loss

By Alicia Rose

The body contouring procedure normally follows extreme weight loss due to diet and exercise over the course of one to two years or gastric bypass surgery. Body contouring after weight loss is the combination of a lower body lift around the buttocks, groin, hips and thighs, mastopexy (breast), brachioplasty (arms) and adominoplasty (abdomen), and all of the surgeries are normally undergone in stages. Each of the individual procedures accounts for a anesthesia, facility or hospital, and surgeon’s fee, in addition to post-surgery garments, prescriptions and pre-surgical medical lab testing.

Throughout these procedures, the patient’s loose and sagging skin will be removed and the surgical areas will be cosmetically restructured and contoured. The skin is surgically cut away and remaining skin is connected and closed with dissolvable internal sutures and external stitches that are removed about a week or two after your surgery, or skin adhesives and surgical tape. Often, a drain is applied by inserting a tiny tube under the skin to collect excess fluid. Following the procedure, bandages are applied to the incision sites. Surgical areas are normally also wrapped to minimize swelling in compression garments.
