Tag Archives: karate

Billy Blanks’ Tae Bo Spawns Cardio-Kickboxing Craze

Tae Bo creator Billy Blanks

Tae Bo is an aerobic exercise routine created by Billy Blanks in 1976, but didn’t really become popular until the 1990s. During the 1990s, it was the first successful “cardio-boxing” routine to take over commercially with over 1.5 million copies of Blanks’ DVDs sold.

The combination of dance and mixture of martial arts and boxing took the world by surprise. After the craze of Tae Bo; health and fitness clubs started offering cardio-kickboxing classes (similar to Tae Bo) to their members. Cardio kickboxing has been extremely popular ever since, because with its mix of intense cardio and fun moves, it’s hard not to see results.  An hour of Tae Bo or cardio-kickboxing will burn between 600 and 800 calories. Check below to see the benefits of these two aerobic programs.   (more…)

Karate Kids Fitness Program for Home

Have you taken your kids to see the “Karate Kid” remake with Jaden Smith? Did you leave the theater enthused and excited about martial arts training? Once you looked into it, though, were you put off by the expense and the commitment? Maybe you just can’t fit in one more activity after school. The Karate Kids Home Fitness program may be just what you are looking for.

First created in 2001, Karate Kids Home Fitness is one of the country’s largest fitness programs for children. It was designed by a decorated martial arts practitioner and instructor Robert Tallack, a three time World Martial Arts Championship winner.
