Tag Archives: jess Milcetich

How to Choose a Training Plan That Works

Jess Milcetich is a runner striving to maintain a healthy lifestyle while working 40+ hours per week and trying to balance a social life. You can follow her training and fitness adventures at JessRuns.com and on Twitter @run_girl_run.

When I was training for my first marathon, I didn’t do any research on training plans or consider my schedule demands. I picked the first plan I found–one in Prevention magazine, which luckily for me was geared toward beginners.

I survived training and did well in the race, but since then I’ve gotten a lot smarter about picking my training plans. Here’s how you can find a plan that you’ll stick with:

1. Get a blank calendar and write down your current time commitments and the hours they occupy each day of the week. Do you work 9-5? Do you need to get your kids to school at 8 a.m. and pick them up at 3 p.m.? Write down the times you know you absolutely cannot workout. (more…)