Tag Archives: indianapolis

Indiana is IN Shape!

Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels wants Hoosiers to take the initiative to eat healthier, stop smoking, and get more active. INShape Indiana is the result of this initiative, linking Hoosiers to the resources and challenges available throughout the state that encourage healthier choices. Because I believe physical health and mental health are intrinsically tied together, I have chosen to partner with INShape Indiana. Technically this partnership means that I give a discount to INShape members, but I have become quite the INShape cheerleader.indiana inshape

A few weeks ago, while unsuspecting students were eating, chatting, and studying at the IUPUI Campus Center food court, INShape members were plotting a surprise to remind them that there is always time to fit physical activity into your day. (more…)

7 Mental Health Reasons to Run

Mini participants running through downtown Indianapolis

Mini-marathon participants running through downtown Indianapolis.

In just under seven weeks, I will be running the Indianapolis Mini-Marathon for the second time. Part of the events leading up to the Indianapolis 500 each year, the Mini-Marathon is the largest half-marathon and the fifth largest running event in the United States. It is a major event for Indianapolis, including participants from all over the world, across age brackets, and of all speeds. I have fast new shoes and I am running more days than I’m not. I obviously have running on the brain. We write about the health benefits of running frequently, but there are several mental health benefits also.

1. Run when you are feeling angry or frustrated to burn off the extra energy. Research has shown that nothing relieves stress more than physical exercise.

2. Running increases endorphins which contributes to a general sense of well-being and mood elevation, so running can make you feel better when you are sad. (more…)