Tag Archives: fish

Trans Fats: Do You Know What Foods Have Them?

Most of us know that trans fats are bad for our health. In fact, a recent survey showed that a convincing 73 percent of us do. But only 21 percent of Americans can name three food sources of trans fat without the aid of multiple choice.trans fats

The thing is, even if you don’t know that the following foods have trans fats, you should certainly know that they are bad for you:

  • French fries
  • Potato chips
  • Doughnuts
  • Pastries
  • Hard margarine
  • Vegetable shortening
  • Cookies
  • Candy

Trans fats have a double whammy effect on your health. They increase your bad cholesterol (LDL), and they even lower the good kind (HDL). (more…)

The 10 Healthiest Grocery Store Food Choices

The March issue of Prevention Magazine had a great article that will serve as a smart guide the next time you’re at the grocery store. All the marketing-speak and hundreds of choices can make choosing one food over another a difficult choice, especially when your goal is to be as healthy as possible. Here we share the good, better and best choice of 10 common grocery aisles.

Meat Counter

Egg Section

  • Good – Packaged egg whites
  • Better – Whole eggs
  • Best – Omega-3-fortified eggs (more…)

U.S. Government Reconsiders Fish and Mercury Warnings

There’s a squabble brewing in U.S. governmental agencies over the recommendations for fish consumption by children and pregnant women. The Food and Drug Administration wants to reconsider the government recommendation for expecting moms and children to limit their fish intake, due to harmful levels of mercury.

But now there’s a proposal to encourage eating fish for its health benefits, and that has some folks with the Environmental Protection Agency challenging the validity of these new recommendations. (more…)

To Eat Fish, or Not to Eat Fish – That is the Question

I was reading an article discussing whether or not it is safe for people to eat fish. There is much controversy and debate over pregnant women not eating fish because the mercury found in fish can have a detrimental effect on fetal brain development. However, a more recent study showed that children of women who ate fish on a frequent basis did better on tests displaying higher cognitive scores compared to the children of women who did not eat fish.

There is no doubt that fish is a healthy food– it’s a good source of high-quality protein, contains essential nutrients, are low in saturated fat, contain omega-3 fatty acids and DHA; all of which are vital to brain growth and development and help reduce your risk of heart disease. However, some caution is needed regarding eating too much fish that contain high amounts of mercury. (more…)

More Evidence Supports Fish Health Benefits

This doesn’t seem to be a real shocking discovery, but a new study suggests that the very low rates of coronary heart disease among the Japanese may be due to their lifelong high consumption of fish. We’ve known for a while now that omega 3 fatty acids in fish have many health benefits, among them being improved cardiovascular health. This study just further cements the notion. As for me, I’ll happily eat fish – raw or cooked!

Here’s a good overview of the health benefits of omega 3 fatty acids:

Seafood recipes for Lent

For Catholics, today is the first day of Lent 2024. As if giving things up for your diet in-progress wasn’t hard enough, now you’re making the decision to leave something else behind for the next 40 days. Without question, you’ll be dismissing meat from your diet for each of the next seven Fridays. Many of my Catholic friends often make an easy out of fast-food fried fish sandwiches, but I have something that’s not only so much healthier, but also quite delicious.

Check out these more than 40 wonderful Weight Watchers recipes featuring fish and seafood that will give your family an entirely new reason to say “TGIF!”

Here are my seven top picks- one for each Friday of Lent.

Baked Stuffed Shrimp
Buffalo Style Catfish Strips
Crab Cakes

Crab Quiche
Crispy Parmesan Orange Roughy
Grilled Red Snapper with Herb Pesto
Glorified Salmon

Fish: A Smart Choice

Can eating fish make you smarter? It’s not a new hypothesis, but there are three new studies that continue to support this brain-boosting theory.

Studies from Norway, Holland, and New Zealand support that the consumption of omega-3 fatty acids in fish may improve cognitive performance. Even though the evidence is not absolutely conclusive that you will be smarter, it’s still smart to eat fish for its other health benefits, particularly its being a great lean protein source.

Take a Trip to the Mediterranean

According to new research, a Mediterranean diet may help Alzheimer’s patients live longer. For those of us on the younger side, it’s also great for your heart health.

So what’s all the fuss about the food eaten in this beautiful region of the world?

The Mediterranean diet is loaded with fruits, vegetables, grains and olive oil, and more fish than red meat. That’s not totally alien to what the rest of us think of as a healthy diet.

But wait!

Another staple to the diet is moderate consumption of red wine, which is probably largely responsible for its trendiness.

Regardless of what your motivation may be, here is a rundown as to why it can be such a healthy diet choice:

The core to the healthfulness of the diet is how low it is in saturated fats. There is plenty of fat, but usually in the form of olive oil, nuts and fish, which has the much-touted omega-3 fatty acids.

Now to the wine… having a glass with your dinner has been shown to have health benefits. Red wine contains antioxidants, which can help fight heart disease. A glass (or up to two for men) can also lower cholesterol. New information is coming out that it may even be good for reducing your risk for diabetes.

Of course, this isn’t the only way to eat your way to great health. But if the idea of olive oil, moderate amounts of bread and pasta, with a little wine and lots of fruits and veggies sounds tantalizing to you, then you should explore your options further.