Tag Archives: fish pose

3 Yoga Poses for Better Communication

Has the cat got your tongue? Most of us know what it feels like to be rendered speechless, but if you consider what goes on in your day-to-day life it’s unlikely that you will be left speechless very often. However, speaking the truth is not an easy task, which is why so many struggle with clear and concise communication.

Communicating well is not just a skill needed by charismatic leaders. It is a crucial and necessary function for anyone interested in developing strong relationships in work, and in personal life. Consider the consequences of not being able to get your point across, and you’ll soon understand the importance of speaking, writing, or transmitting information clearly.

The following yoga poses help to open and stimulate your throat chakra, the energetic center of communication in your body. When your throat chakra is awake and alive, you will have no trouble speaking your heart, and your mind. (more…)

Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras, Part Two

A brief background plus an overview of the first three chakras was outlined in part one of the Beginner’s Guide to the Chakras. The following is a continuation of the guide that explains the fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh chakras and what you can do to keep them open and in balance.

4th Chakra

Sanskrit name: Anahata
English name: meaning “unstruck”
Location: middle of the chest
Associated body parts: heart, lungs and arms
Color: green
Element: air
Sound vibration: YA

  • Governs sense of unconditional love, heart-felt gratitude and the ability to share.
  • When your fourth chakra is out of balance you may have difficulty giving and receiving unconditional love for yourself and others. You might also have a weak heart, suffer from arrhythmia, heart palpitations or certain breathing problems.
  • Yoga poses such as camel, bow and cobra help to open and balance the heart chakra.


Yoga Poses for Thyroid Health

The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck and is responsible for producing hormones that affect metabolism, energy levels, body temperature and temperament. When the thyroid gland is out of balance either by producing too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism), we can gain or lose excessive weight, feel abnormally hot or cold, or act unusually listless or agitated for no other apparent reasons.

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, thyroid disease has several causes, including, but not limited to, Hashimoto’s disease (an auto-immune disorder), inflammation of the thyroid gland, a defect present at birth, radiation treatment, partial or complete removal of the thyroid gland and the effects of taking certain medications.

Maintaining a healthy thyroid gland is important for overall health and wellness. Of course, while it is crucial to see your doctor if you suspect thyroid trouble, there are a few preventative measures you can do to take care.
