Tag Archives: fat flush plan

Christina Ricci’s Methods for Getting Pan Am Ready

The new TV show Pan Am will showcase the lives of the stewardesses and pilots for the airline of the same name set in the 1960s. Christina Ricci is one of the actresses starring in this new series. She is no stranger to being on camera or having to look great  for a role. The ladies of Pan Am were known for being symbols of sleek, Jet Age glamor so Ricci worked hard on her body to prepare for the role. In the second episode of the show, all of the stewardesses are filmed wearing bikinis. Christina expressed wanting to look good for the bikini scenes along with wanting to feel good as her motivation for working out and eating right.

For her diet, Christina has been eating protein and vegetables. She uses the Fat Flush Diet as a guide for the types of food she should eat which encourages eating a lot of whole, natural foods without added salt. For her workouts, she does her Pilates exercises at night when she’s watching TV. Christina also puts in some time on the treadmill and in spinning classes for her cardio workouts. In order to fit her workouts in while filming, her Pilates instructor created three different routines she can use on the go. Each routine can be done in a specified place like her dressing room or at the studio while she’s filming. Christina expresses that she makes staying in shape her personal mission rather than allowing herself to be pressured into it by the media.


Popular Cleanses and Detox Diets: Healthy vs. Hype

Yellow Juice in a glass with lemonAs the weather warms and more skin starts to show, the promise of quick weight-loss makes cleanse diets and liquid fasts all the more appealing. But can a cleanse really deliver other health benefits? Most cleanses promise to flush out built-up wastes, rid the body of toxins and promote weight loss. However, many cleanses go even further, claiming that they will help you think better, get sick less often, have more energy, suffer from fewer allergy symptoms and sleep better. Can drinking a special juice really deliver on such high promises? Here’s a run-down on some of the most popular cleanses, accompanied by expert health opinions.

The Master Cleanse

Also known as the “maple syrup diet” or the “lemonade diet,” the Master Cleanse remains one of the most popular cleansing systems. It was created by alternative medical practitioner Stanley Burroughs in 1941, and consists of water, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and maple syrup, all mixed together into a kind of lemonade. Burroughs promoted the plan in his 1976 book, The Master Cleanser, but there are also a number of sites that detail how to best do the detox, plus different strategies of how to “ease in” and “ease out” of the cleanse. In the 1974 text, Burroughs recommends following this diet for a minimum of 10 days.
