Tag Archives: facebook

Olympians and Facebook Challenge You to Get Fit with HealthyShare

Want to train like an Olympian? Or would you simply like to start smaller and get off of the couch more often? Either way, Facebook is ready to make that happen for you.

HealthyShare, a free fitness app from GE and Facebook, was just announced this week. The tool will use the fitness knowledge of four Olympians to challenge everyday people to push themselves and challenge their friends.

HealthyShare will use the challenges set by Olympians Kevin Durant (basketball), Alex Morgan (women’s soccer), gold medalist Michael Johnson (men’s track and field), and gold medalist Summer Sanders (women’s swimming). App users of all fitness levels will be challenged to Olympic Games-styled workouts from the athletes. (more…)

12 Steps to Relieve Internet Addiction and Digital Depression

Are you one of the millions of Americans who depend heavily on your laptop or cell phone to get you through the day? Do you come home from work and instead of spending quality time with friends, exercising or doing chores you find yourself logging on to your Facebook or Twitter account? Do you incessantly check your email, the weather report or the news hoping something exciting will snap you out of feeling bored with your life? Do you feel lost without some sort of digital device that can dole out information in less than a few seconds when you have a burning curiosity about something?

If you’ve answered yes to any of these questions, a digital detox plan might be the best gift you can give yourself this year.

Read these steps, tips and guidelines designed to help you dismiss digital depression. When you are finished reading, shut down your computer, turn off your Smartphone, completely unplug, and give yourself a well-deserved break.


Mark Zuckerberg’s Three Simplistic Principles for Success

Most of us are familiar with Facebook. With 800 million users, 70 percent of which are outside of the United States, Facebook is not just a sweeping fad that has dominated cyber space, it is a significant tool to share, market and connect with people all over the world.

I felt very inspired hearing Mark Zuckerberg, creator of Facebook, and Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook’s CEO, fire off answers to some very poignant questions about Zuckerberg’s conversations with Steve Jobs, his views on privacy in social media, and whether or not he was ever going to sell his billion dollar company. However, what stood out the most for me was Zuckerberg’s simplistic approach and philosophy on success.

The following are Zuckerberg’s simplistic principles for success. Whether you’re trying to be an Internet mogul, or simply trying to meet a weight loss goal, use them as a guideline to attain any goal you set out to accomplish. (more…)

Yogabytes to Reboot Your Booty

Lack in muscle tone, a stiff neck, a couple of aching wrists and two tired eyes are what our modern day life is plagued with as a result of sitting at a computer for hours on end. If you fall into this category, help is on the way. All it takes is a few moments of computer yoga to feel refreshed, revitalized and ready to take on a new assignment. Aches and pains have nothing on you when you practice this simple yet effective routine during long stretches of time on your computer. Be the first to share this with your friends.

Facebook Fanny Firmer

Place both feet flat on the floor, hip width apart. Squeeze your gluteal muscles (a.k.a. your rear) and hold for five deep breaths. Release, and repeat up to ten times. Feel your fanny firm right up as you type about computer yoga in your status update.

Twitter Tummy Tightener

Take a deep breath in and with your exhale draw your lower belly toward your spine. At the very end of your exhale, engage your abdominal muscles just a little bit more, and hold your muscles firm for as long as it takes you to tweet this article!


Mark Zuckerberg to Only Eat Animals He Kills

Mark Zuckerberg Headshot Black BackgroundEach year, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg sets himself a challenge. Last year, it was to learn Chinese. This year, Zuckerberg says he will only eat meat that comes from animals he’s personally killed, in an endeavor to understand the morality of eating meat.

“I’m eating a lot healthier foods. And I’ve learned a lot about sustainable farming and raising of animals,” he told Fortune in an email. “It’s easy to take the food we eat for granted when we can eat good things every day.” Reducing one’s meat consumption is also a way to reduce one’s impact on the environment, as is eating locally raised animals.

Zuckerberg made the announcement via his private Facebook page, saying he’d just killed a pig and a goat. He is getting help in his endeavor from Palo Alto restaurateur Jesse Cool, who has introduced Zuckerberg to farmers. After Zuckerberg kills each animal, it is then sent to a professional butcher, who cuts the animal apart. Zuckerberg and his girlfriend, who is also helping him with the project, are also making an effort to eat all of the animals’ parts, including the organs.


O.N.E. Coconut Water Raises Money for Children Around the World

Healthy Child Healthy World LogoBeginning last Friday in honor of Earth Day, O.N.E. Coconut Water launched a new fund raising campaign to help children around the world live healthier, more sustainable lives. O.N.E. is partnering with Healthy Child Healthy World, a nonprofit that’s dedicated to raising awareness about harmful chemicals that may exist in children’s everyday environments and further works towards getting these chemicals and pollutants banned from household products.

“We are very proud of our relationship with Healthy Child Healthy World and will continue to join them in efforts to further educate families about the importance of protecting children from the environmental hazards found in common household products and food,” said O.N.E. Founder and CEO Rodrigo Veloso in a press release. “With this campaign, our goal is to obtain the funding that will allow for continued educational programming about ways consumers can eliminate exposure to toxins in home products.”


Bear Naked Granola Launches Sports Community

Bear Naked is everyone’s favorite granola, but now they can be your new favorite internet stop to find fun, wild and hilarious sports videos.

Bear Naked Granola, famous for using only real, whole ingredients in their granola, trail mix and cookie products to fuel you up for your favorite adventurous activities, has created a new Facebook community where fitness enthusiasts can watch and share videos of their favorite, unique sports. It’s also a great place to find inspiration for new ways to stay active, share tips and tricks, and find sports teams in your area so you can get in on the action.

These aren’t just any sports videos. No, no, to truly live Bear Naked, you must let your energy and imagination be your inspiration.  Check out these videos from Bear Naked fans to see what I mean:


Find DietsInReview.com on Facebook

facebook dietsinreviewYou’re on Facebook. We’re on Facebook. We should get together! Joining DietsInReview.com on Facebook is just one of the many ways you can stay connected with our health and wellness community. And it’s so easy because we’re in the one place you’re already hanging out.

Join the DietsInReview.com fan page and you’ll never be the last one to know what’s going on.

  • See the newest articles from the diet blog each day right in your news feed. Ranging from interviews, product reviews, weight loss tips, nutrition information and so much more!
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  • Interact with the DietsInReview.com team and other fans from our community. (more…)

Weight Watchers Lose-A-Palooza Social Media Event

Last week we introduced you to the Weight Watchers Lose For Good program – a weight loss campaign that will donate a pound of food for each pound of weight lost by its members. The donations, up to $1 million, are being contributed to Action Against Hunger and Share Our Strength, two organizations actively working against hunger.weight watchers loseapalooza

Next Tuesday, September 15, Weight Watchers is upping its ante, by offering to contribute up to an additional $25,000 in its Lose-A-Palooza one-day social media event. And it’s up to each of us to help them reach that goal!

For each mention of “Lose For Good” on Twitter (#LoseForGood), Facebook, MySpace, or your blog, Weight Watchers will add an additional $1 donation to Action Against Hunger and Share Our Strength. You can also follow each of these two organizations (@acfusa or @sharestrength) for an additional $1 donation. (more…)

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There are a number of ways to stay connected with us – no matter where you are online. Link up, follow, friend, watch or read all that’s new at DietsInReview.com and use us as a tool in your weight loss or healthy living journey.


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