Tag Archives: Diet Tips

I Don’t Eat That: Four Words That May Help You Lose Weight

In a recent study found in Health Magazine, Vanessa Patrick, PhD associate professor of marketing at the University of Houston found that 80% of women who used the words, “I don’t eat that,” were able to hold to their good eating habits. On the other hand, only 10% of women who used the similar phrase, “I can’t eat that” stuck to their good eating habits.

“Saying ‘I can’t’ signals that you’re giving up something desirable, but saying ‘I don’t’ gives you a sense of empowerment,” said Patrick.

After reading this piece I couldn’t agree more. A couple years ago, when I was a sophomore in college, I had the pressure to look my best in my little-material cheerleading uniform while knowing I had gained about 10 pounds since making the squad. I used to look at the greasy box of fries my friends were eating and sadly say, “I can’t eat that.” What I didn’t realize was I was making it 10x harder on myself. Losing a few inches on my mid section was a huge goal of mine, but I was going about it the completely wrong way. Saying “I can’t eat that” felt like a slap in the face each time I said it, and it reminded me of the negative consequences and embarrassment I was facing. (more…)

The Benefits of a Small-Meal Eating Plan

For the average American on a busy schedule, eating several, small meals throughout the day can seem impossible. In fact, it’s a downright miracle if three, square meals on any given day actually happen.

As a result of this work-focused lifestyle that often strays from any diet concern, there seems to be a trend in skipping breakfast, eating out for lunch, and overdoing at night to compensate extreme hunger in the evening.

But we all know this isn’t the best approach to health; or at least we should know. The benefits of eating several small meals throughout the day have been touted by many health professionals, and include optimized metabolism function, weight loss, and getting to eat more often.

Stephanie Mansour – CEO of Step It Up with Steph – is a trainer and coach for a weight loss reality TV show called “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is.” During the last season, Mansour helped one of her clients lose 83 pounds in just 12 weeks using the small-meal diet approach, focusing on five small meals throughout the day.

Mansour trains all of her clients this way, saying it regulates and speeds up the metabolism, spurs fat burn, and improves digestion. (more…)

Is Moderation in Diet a Myth?

By Abra Pappa for NutritiousAmerica.com

The end goal, for me, with all of my clients is to reach a point where living is flexible, fun and free of denial and discipline. To discover an eating dogma that is ideal for the individual. An eating plan that supports every cell in the body and contributes to a feeling of abundance and vibrance. Which, for me, should also include eating a burger or a slice of pizza from time to time. Question is, is it really possible to moderate these indulgent meals? Or is indulgence a slippery slope?

There are as many dietary theories as there are people in the world. If you don’t subscribe wholly and completely to one specific (and seemingly strict) dogma (i.e. vegan, raw, paleo) yet you live a supportive healthy life filled with glorious whole foods, would you say you practice moderation?

Are there actually people that successfully practice moderation? Or is it truly necessary to adhere to a strict eating plan in order to transform your life with food and reach your health goals?

Here are my top 3 tips to make moderation possible and bust the myth that it is not! (more…)

3 Crap Excuses For Not Getting Healthy Destroyed!

By Abra Pappa for NutritiousAmerica.com

On one’s journey to wellness there is knowing what to do and then there is actually doing it. Between the knowing and the doing is a great divide that is filled up with a variety of elements that prevent the “doing.” Mostly, it is filled with excuses.

I have heard them all, but through the years there are a few that religiously resurface over and over and over again.

#1 I don’t have time

Yes, I know we are all extraordinarily busy. Life is moving at a rapid pace these days and it oftentimes seems nearly impossible to have a minute to breathe, never mind a minute to steam some kale. Seriously, a MINUTE to steam some kale. Listen, we all have issues with time management, but that’s all it is, management. Give yourself the greatest gift ever, drop all that you are doing and invest just 10 minutes in a healthy activity. Drink a glass of water, plan a weekly menu, stand up and do some squats. When faced with a time challenge it is within you to manage it. Healthy does not mean slaving away in the kitchen for hours each day. Fit does not mean spending an hour in the gym every day. Begin with a 10 minute commitment each day and fill it with 10 minutes of nourishment. Gradually you will see that healthy activities actually grant you more time. It’s magical. As you feel better you have more focus and energy to do better. (more…)

4 Reasons You Should Start Tracking Your Workouts

By Jeffrey Crews for WeightTraining.com

Exercise is crucial for a healthy body. However, exercise often takes a back seat in one’s daily routine. According to a study in 2024 by the BLS, only 20% of people over 15 years old exercised in the most active region of the United States. Clearly there is an eminent need for exercise in America. Rather than making up excuses, why not find ways to enjoy exercise? Tracking your workouts is one of the many things that can really help you start exercising and continue to improve. The following are four reasons everyone should track their workouts:

Show Where You Need Improvement

Tracking your workouts will allow you to look back and find the areas you could improve in. Fitting exercise into our busy schedules is not always easy. How can you make it easy to become healthier? Taking the time to track every workout allows you to see which exercises you are doing your best. You may find some areas that might need a little more work and be able to address them properly. (more…)

Dr. Oz’s Diet Tips for the Lazy Girl

It’s clear by our nations’ current health status that many, if not most, of us feel getting healthy is too much work. Or it requires giving up all the good things in life. Dr. Oz will be offering tips on how to take the easy way out and still reap health benefits. Today’s Dr. Oz Show is titled, “The Lazy Girl’s Guide to Getting Healthy.”

Now, Dr. Oz has dedicated his life to teaching people how to get healthy, so the title is a bit strange. However he’s speaking out to those who are admittedly lazy and showing them things they can do with minimum effort to gain maximum results. He tells his guest, “if you’re going to be a lazy girl, do it right.”

Dr. Oz will demonstrate how you can skip workouts and he’ll explain how one can “burn calories without exercise.” The doctor will even discuss how one can eat what they want and still lose weight and prevent cancer. He tells the guests they don’t have to cook, in fact Dr. Oz says, “you can order pizza, you can order Mexican, or Chinese.” (more…)

5 Reasons Not to Ditch Your Diet This Weekend

When 5:00 on Friday hits we let our inhibitions run wild. Adults running from their jobs on a Friday evening looks a lot like the last day of school – mass exodus. We trade our pencil skirts for yoga pants and get 48 hours to just not care. Is that the best approach? Probably not.

Everyone says they’re going to start a diet on a Monday. So why make yourself live in a constant cycle of re-starting every Monday? Here are five things to consider before you uphold your Saturday night cookie bake-a-thon.

1. Stop thinking of it like a diet. If you’re on a diet, then the cyclical nature of five good days and two “bad” days just feeds the machine. However, if you’re just living, just eating well, being active, and being cognizant of your habits, then it’s not about ditching a diet or splurging or rewarding yourself.

2. Keep it all in balance. If you over do it on dessert at your friend’s wedding, then don’t stop for ice cream on the road trip home. If you’re kicking off the weekend by grilling burgers on Friday night, maybe grill chicken on Saturday. It’s OK to give in a little, but you don’t have to throw away all of your efforts just for a little weekend romp with calories.

3. You finally have the time. You spend all week rushing through breakfast, getting to work on time, packing lunches, racing from meetings to soccer games and trying to make dinner. It’s all too much for most of us. So if you’re ever guilty of saying “I don’t have time,” then consider two whole days that aren’t eaten up mostly by work. Hit a yoga class, go for a run, heck, just go play at the park with your kids. Just move!

4. Stop working against yourself. If you’re starting off two days behind every Monday, your goals are just going to keep getting pushed further back. Just keep moving forward. Carrots are a lot easier to chase than to go hunting for.

5. The sweet taste of accomplishment. Imagine waking up on Monday morning and not regretting, not rethinking your weekend, and just embracing the week ahead. That would feel pretty good, right? Not to mention a lot better than a case of the Mondays! Try balancing your goals with your urges this weekend and see how much better you feel come Monday morning.

View Calories in Alcohol Slideshow

If Your Kids Shouldn’t Eat It, Neither Should You

More or less, my husband and I eat very healthily. Visiting family often roll their eyes at us for the complete lack of food in our house, or rather, food that they’ll actually eat. We limit processed foods and rely mostly on homemade meals made of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains. We, like most people, splurge now and then. It’s a life of moderation, we say.

The occasional burger during a Friday happy hour was never a big deal. This “sometimes” treat would always be regretted but nevertheless enjoyed in the moment. However, it recently became a big deal when our nearly 2-year-old daughter asked for a French fry at one of these splurgy dinners.

I cringed. He cringed. I very, very hesitantly gave her the smallest one I could find. She, of course, asked for another. At almost two-years-old, a French fry is a foreign food to her. I told my husband that our moderation should be hers, too, and that the occasional fry wasn’t totally out of line.

He disagreed, and the comment he shared with me really struck a chord. “If we wouldn’t feed it to her, we shouldn’t be eating it either.” (more…)

Daily Challenges Create a Better You with MeYouHealth

We often talk of getting healthier or “bettering ourselves,” but what does that really mean? Some focus on their weight, others may focus more on their diet, or to some “bettering” may refer to kicking bad habits. Regardless of the issues one may want to improve, all can agree that actually taking the steps towards a goal is the hardest part. MeYouHealth may have created one of the most relevant and feasible ways to create a better you.

MeYouHealth labels themselves as the “social well-being company.” Their mission is to help people acquire and maintain a more healthful lifestyle one day at a time. The company has a Daily Challenge feature for their members. A member will receive an email with just one thing to do that day to improve their well-being. The concept is based off of behavior science that has shown how people often fail to achieve their goals because they are typically set too high.

Daily Challenge is different. A suggestion is sent at 7 am so the member has all day to complete the task. It’s typically just one small action related to healthy living. The member logs the task on the site and they are awarded as they go. Additionally the member is encouraged by the social network comprised of other members.


Top 5 Reasons You Abandoned Your New Year’s Resolution

There’s only a week left in January, and you’ve no doubt got your mind more focused on February being a week away than you do the new year celebration that was just three weeks ago.

How’s that resolution treating you? In England, 92 percent of dieters have already let their resolution go. We’re not that different from the English. Whether you’ve forgotten, abandoned, or given up on yours, there are probably a lot of reasons you left yet another resolution behind.

We’re not saying it to beat you up, we raise the conversation to light a fire in you and have you reassess those goals. Your health is most important – more so than a lot of the reasons you can probably come up with for avoiding the issue.

We’re taking your best excuses and knocking them down, and showing you that behind every excuse is a better answer. Put yourself, and your health, first this year.

Think you don’t have time, don’t have the money, or that you’ll start tomorrow? We’ve got your number.

View 5 Resolution Excuses Busted Slideshow

Inspirational New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution Successes Do Happen

It’s probably the most often made New Year’s Resolution: lose weight and get into shape. The gyms are packed, the sports stores sell out of equipment, and the streets are cluttered with new joggers. People make this promise year after year, and typically, by the end of January, most of them have given up.

However, some don’t. Sometimes, that New Year’s resolution becomes attainable and do-able. Sometimes, people really do succeed when they vow, on January 1, to lose weight and get into shape. I did it, and I asked several other successful dieters to share their successes with us.

Kelly Guy, of the blog, No Thanks to Cake, says, “If I were to look back at my New Year’s resolutions for the past 10 years, weight loss was always on the list. Sometimes I actually resolved to lose the extra weight, and even when I didn’t it was in the front of my mind.” She’s lost 74 pounds so far and is close to reaching her goal, although she shares, “I didn’t hit my goal in 2024. I still have 17 lbs remaining before I hit my weight loss goal; however, I don’t believe weight loss will be on my to-do list this year. Healthy living has become a way of life; it’s no longer something that I’m desperately trying to achieve and that I will maintain. ”
