Tag Archives: corporate wellness

How Working at Home Can Yield a Healthy Lifestyle

It’s been nearly three years since I started working from home. It’s a career change that has been all for the better for me, and one that has allowed me to love my job more than any I’ve ever had, and also enjoy my life more than any job has ever allowed me to do. A combination of this job, editor for DietsInReview.com, and the information I’m inundated with day in and day out, plus being at home, has allowed me during the past three years to really reprioritize my health.

How so? You can’t edit, read and research dozens of health, fitness and weight articles a day and not take a second look at yourself, the food in your pantry and how many hours you spend comatose in front of a TV. Also, being at home for the majority of my day and week means I have more flexibility to do the things that are really imperative to living a healthier lifestyle.

As the number of work-at-home business owners and professionals continue to increase, and the trend becomes a mainstay, I thought I’d share a few tips, tricks and secrets for doing so successfully, and using it as an opportunity to overhaul your health while reinventing your career. These are all things I’ve done myself that I hope you find helpful, too. (more…)

Turn Your Office into a Healthy Hideaway

A common complaint amongst time-squeezed Americans is that there just aren’t enough hours in the day. The solution? Make the most of the hours we have.

Most people spend eight or more hours sitting on their butts in an office or cubicle in front of a computer. Eight hours of inactivity, five days a week, is a recipe for weight gain. If you use your time wisely, however, and do a little planning, you can turn your home away from home into a weight loss mecca.

  • Prepare for afternoon cravings and mindless eating by stocking your drawers with green tea and gum.
  • Buy a cheap mini fridge for your workspace and fill it up with low-fat yogurt, bottled water, and cut veggies. If you can’t do a fridge, keep your stash in the break room fridge, just be sure to label your food clearly. (more…)

Healthy Office Tip: Try a Salad Potluck

Office Tip: Salad PotluckThe most successful diets all have some kind of social support, whether it’s exercising with friends, eating healthy meals with your family, or going to meetings to share strategies. Staying healthy at work can be challenging, particularly when you’re feeling stressed out.

At our office here in the Brooklyn Creative League, we have a fun way to eat healthy together: “Salad Wednesdays.” For this potluck-style lunch, everyone brings in salad ingredients. The building management provides the greens, and the rest of the office brings in toppings, from garnishes of meat and cheese, heirloom tomatoes, to dressing and sauces. (more…)

Why You Should Care that Your Employees are in Good Shape

Life has its many lessons and journeys that we go through and right now Robbie Ray‘s is to bring health and wellness to as many people as he can. He’s passionate about being a personal trainer and looking forward to working with anyone who wants to change their life. “DARE TO BE GREAT AND YOU WILL BE!”

I’ve been in the United States Army for seven years. But it didn’t take me nearly as long to learn this golden rule: if you take care of your soldiers they, in turn, will take care of you.

Increasingly, corporate America is embracing this same concept by getting serious about health and wellness programs. Companies of all sizes have realized the many benefits of educating and coaching their employees on how to live healthier lifestyles. With the integration of concepts designed to focus on the importance of maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle, employees are:

  • more attentive
  • experiencing increased energy throughout the day
  • missing work less due to health related issues
  • bonding with their co-workers
  • managing stress better (more…)

Yoga for Work

While most of the downward dogging that takes place in this country occurs in yoga studios before or after work, performing a few yoga postures while at the office has many of the same benefits as rolling out your mat in class.

Yoga at work can provide instant and on-the-spot stress relief, which is great just before a big presentation or immediately following a challenging meeting with your boss. In addition, yoga postures done at work don’t require a mat or cute yoga clothes. You can get your yoga on in your work attire without even having to take off that new pair of pumps you scored on Zappos.com.

Here is what you need to know about yoga for work:


4 Ways to Improve Your Health at Work

Guest blogger Amy Applebaum is a success coach whose work includes the Release Your Inner Millionairess coaching program designed to create life-changing breakthroughs in her clients. Amy’s groundbreaking six-step process has helped thousands of female entrepreneurs accomplish goals they never imagined possible. Amy’s coaching success has led to appearances on ABC News, CNN, TLC, and Martha Stewart, to name a few. For more information on Amy’s coaching club, go to AmyApplebaum.com.

Just because you spend 480 minutes a day in your cube doesn’t mean you have to be Jabba The Hut. When it comes to staying healthy on the job, a little goes a long way. Try these surefire solutions for maintaining awesome mental and physical performance at the office:


Consider a Corporate Wellness Program in 2024

corporate wellnessWell, another year has vanished into thin air, and it’s time for everyone to start talking about their New Year’s resolutions. While resolutions are often difficult to fulfill, it’s the early days of 2024 when you will have the most enthusiasm for your goals.

If you are considering getting fit as a resolution, try attacking it from a different angle, with a corporate wellness program. If your company does not participate in a wellness program, maybe part of your New Year’s resolution can be to lobby your human resources department to consider one. (more…)

Workplace Yoga Reduces Stress and Improves Sleep

workplace stressHere is just one more reason to roll out your yoga mat and breathe deep: A new study conducted at Ohio State University shows that employees who engage in yoga at work experience less stress and better sleeping patterns than those who don’t. The results which were reported in the most recent edition of the journal Health Education & Behavior had study participants perform just 20 minutes of yoga and meditation at their work desks and take part of one-hour weekly group meetings during their lunch breaks for six weeks.

The study illustrates a few key points about the mindfulness that a yoga and meditation practice can cultivate and the benefits of physical activity. (more…)

Overweight Cops May Lose Jobs

police officerIt’s tough being a cop. It may get a little tougher if the state of Ohio has its way. There’s a state rule that allows the dismissal of police officers who “consistently exceed weight limits.” Alaska and Massachusetts also have weight rules for their police force.

Six Ohio troopers were removed from duty in 2003, including one who was 71 pounds overweight.

While no officers have been fired in recent years, at least 11 have received verbal or written reprimands this year for weighing too much. Reportedly, one trooper was 48 pounds over his allowable weight, while another was 40 pounds overweight. So, apparently the protest is working, or nobody wants to enforce the rules. (more…)

Runners Make Better Employees

woman runnerOne thing I’ve found over the years is that many of the folks I train with (and race against) are for the most part as devoted to their jobs (if not more) as they are to running or cycling or triathlon.

Unlike participation in say, golf or softball or basketball – no offense to club/league sports – the type of determination, discipline and emotional focus that comes with training day in, day out for extremely challenging endurance events (often by yourself) tends to bleed over into people’s 9-5’s.

Whether you’re training for a marathon, a century or the Ironman triathlon, one thing you quickly find out is that there’s no room for [nonsense] out there on the pavement. You either do the work or you’re screwed. Politics won’t get you to the finish line. It doesn’t matter who you know or how well you can work the system. When you’re out there, every weakness bubbles up to the surface and stares you in the eye.

Read the rest of this commentary at The Brand Builder Blog.

Job Flexibility Linked To Healthier Choices

Do you feel that exercise is tough to get around to because you just work too much? Between that and all your other responsibilities, it’s just too overwhelming?

You probably aren’t just making up a lame excuse.

According to an interesting study, people who have flexible work schedules tend to gravitate towards healthier behaviors. Now, whether your employer will listen to your request for flex hours is a whole other story.