Tag Archives: core

The Golf Workout

golf workoutWell, it’s definitely summer time and that means golf season is in full affect. Golf originated in Scotland in the 12th century and has been very popular ever since. I strongly believe that golf is a game of mental toughness, natural ability or skill, and a little bit of luck. I play once or twice a year so I am definitely no expert, but I have trained my share of golfers and have had great success with them. (more…)

10 Week Wedding Fitness Plan: Week 7

healthy brideWow, it’s the middle of June already? Does time fly or what? Last week we discussed Olympic lifts/exercises and the importance of proper form and technique. By perfecting these lifts, your technique for easier lifts will be much better. This week we will be taking a trip down Core Stability Blvd.!

Wedding Season Week 7:

“If you think you can or think you can’t; you’re right!!”

Tip: Be sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and during your workout. Try to avoid sugary sports drinks or high sugar/carbohydrate fruit drinks. These drinks are only necessary when you are working out for extended amounts of time and your electrolytes are depleted, otherwise water is the only necessary fluid to put into your body. Try to intake 80 to 100 ounces a day if you exercise at a moderate to high intensity level. (more…)

How to Train Legs, Part I

steve hansonSteve Hanson has been studying health, fitness, and nutrition since 1996. While he now works as a software engineer and web developer, Steve spent several years as a personal trainer and sport nutritionist in southern NH. Steve runs a blog called Project Swole, where health-minded web surfers can go to learn how to build muscle and lose fat more efficiently. Project Swole is a collection of articles, tips, and personal experiences that anyone can use to become stronger, leaner, and healthier.

The Missing Link

With average gym goers primarily concerned with the development of their upper body, many weight lifters forget or just neglect to train their legs. This becomes a problem with both men and women who are focusing on either building muscle or losing fat.

For men this is a problem because they are often focused on total body functional strength, or aesthetic symmetry and muscle size. For women this is a problem because they often spend too much time on endurance cardio, and end up missing the huge metabolic potential of leg training.

In order to properly integrate leg training into our routine, we need to know why, how, and when to train those wheels. (more…)

Top 10 Core Exercises

What makes up the core? The core is your body’s center of gravity. I have discussed this topic before, but I would like to reiterate the importance of a strong and stable core. The core consists of your abdominal, back, and lower back regions. A strong and stable core is vital for good balance, proper posture, and injury prevention. bikini stomach

  • A strong and stable core will help to stabilize the muscles involved with balance. These muscle regions consist of the hips, hip flexors, abdominals, and other leg muscles as well.
  • Proper posture is important for so many reasons, especially the older you get. Back pain, neck pain, and several other forms of pain can result from poor posture over the years.
  • Injury prevention is another amazing benefit of working the core. Obviously not all injuries can be prevented, but most can be or the severity of the injury can be lessened. (more…)

Top 6 Thanksgiving Day Exercises

Well, we have a little over a week before Thanksgiving and I cannot wait. I am driving to Michigan to visit some family and more than likely going eat and lay around for a few days. Anybody else doing the same? Today, I am going to discuss a few exercises that you may be able to do while at home for the holidays, since most gyms are likely closed.

I want to focus on the entire body, but my main focus is on the core and getting the heart rate up to help burn off a few of those extra calories. First off, if you are able to get outside, take your family on a walk or hike or even shopping. This will help keep the metabolism kicking rather than lying around all day and watching football like me. If you are stuck inside, hit the stair case for ten to twenty laps up and down. This will also increase that heart rate, but it probably is not as much fun as the outside activities or shopping!! (more…)

Top 5 Isometric Core Exercises

bosu ballIsometric training (static strength training) consist of constant muscle contraction without joint movement. This type of exercise is good for general strength training and rehabilitation. Isometric training is also an excellent way to strengthen muscles without putting too much stress on the joints. This is a another great way to incorporate different exercises into your everyday routine.

Top 5 Isometric Core Exercises

1. Elbow Plank- Hold for 30 seconds to a minute: 2 sets

2. Bent Arm Side Bridge- Hold for 30 seconds to a minute on each side: 2 sets

3. V Sit- Hold for as long as you can: 2 sets

4. Straight Arm Plank- Hold as long as you can: 2 sets

5. Straight Arm Plank On Bosu Ball Hold as long as you can: 2 sets

See all of Matt’s Top 5 Exercises.

Getting to Know the Core

The “core” consists of several different muscles that stabilize the spine and pelvis and run the entire length of the torso. These muscles stabilize the spine, pelvis, shoulder, and provide a solid foundation for movement in the extremities (arms and legs). The muscles that make up the “core” are Rectus Abdominis, Erector Spinae, Multifidus, Internal/External Obliques, Transverse Abdominis, Hip Flexors (which consist of several muscles as well), and the Glutes.

Training the muscles of the core corrects postural imbalances that can lead to injuries and the biggest benefit of core training is to develop functional fitness (fitness that is essential to both daily living and regular activities).

See more of Matt’s Fitness Tips, or email him your own questions.

Great Abs with One Yoga Move

Maybe your New Year’s resolution is to strengthen your inner core so that it looks like Tracy Anderson or Michael Phelps. Or perhaps that was last year’s resolution. Regardless if getting a svelte middle is on your 2024 list, developing strong abdominals not only looks great but studies show that it improves posture and reduces lower back pain. A well-maintained core improves the stability of your torso which prevents your back from common aches and strains that come from moving too quickly or shoveling snow without the proper alignment.

Rather than spend oodles of your precious gym minutes working on your core, here is one yoga move that will strengthen your abs and give your arms and legs a workout, too! (more…)