Author Archives: Kinsey

6 Tips to Get Realistic with Your Weight Loss Goal

woman-on-scaleIt’s not the occasional dessert or extra helpings that cause you to fail at your weight loss goal, it’s the unrealistic expectations that you put on yourself that make you fail.  Too often, people try the latest and not so greatest diet in efforts to drop weight fast.  Think about it this way, if all these diets work then why are there so many of them around and why are the new ones evolving on a weekly basis?  Our society is obsessed with having a quick fix.  We all want something that will make the pounds drop in a few weeks, which is super unhealthy, so whatever diet is being publicized then that’s what we try.  (more…)

10 Tips for Being Heart Healthy

heart-healthy-foods1. Lose that extra weight. Lightening up and shedding a few pounds will make it easier for your heart and on you!

2. Watch out for fat.  Learn to be “fat-savvy.”  You want to eat little to no cholesterol, saturated, and trans fat.  Choose lean meats and low-fat or non-fat dairy to help cut these numbers down.

3. Watch out for salt. Look for reduced-salt and no-salt added products and try your food before you add extra salt.


The Pros and Cons of Going Organic

One of the hottest buzz words in food right now is “organic.” I want to help you better understand what these foods are, what you stand to gain from them and a few of the negatives.usda organic

What is organic?
In order for a food to be labeled organic it needs to be grown and processed without using any genetic engineering procedures, or without any synthetic/artificial fertilizers (must use real fertilizers).  Organic foods are grown without the use of all “-cides”, meaning no pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides.  Also, the food must be grown or processed without antibiotics, preservatives, chemicals, or use of radiation.  In short, the food was produced and processed in the most natural way and delivered to consumers in the purest form without any chemical tainting. To be certified organic a product must bare the USDA certification of 100% organic.  This seal means the farm has been evaluated and tested by a set standard of practice and is certified after passing. (more…)

Is Pepsi Throwback Healthier?

throwback-pepsiWhat is Throwback Natural Pepsi?
This product was first launched in the UK in which Pepsi marketed and introduced “Pepsi Raw.”  This Pepsi Raw is a “corn syrup free, all natural soda.”  Pepsi Raw has been transformed in the U.S. as the new throwback natural sugar Pepsi.

Throwback Natural Pepsi is marketed as a premium soda made with sugar, natural caramel and kola nut extract in place of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) compared to the traditional Pepsi, which contains HFCS, artificial coloring, phosphoric acid, caffeine citric acid and natural flavors.  Pepsi is calling it natural due to it being made with sugar rather than the controversial HFCS that’s seen in so many products these days.  This new Pepsi is supposedly paler in color and less fizzy than other cola products. (more…)

5 Good Reasons to Shop a Farmer’s Market

farmers-marketFarmer’s markets are markets that allow customers to purchase locally grown, flavorful, farm-fresh, organic produce.  This type of market is great because it comes straight from the ground to your hands.  This type of market allows farmers to develop personal relationships with the buyers and the consumers can show their loyalty with the farmers.  The setup to the market varies, but typically it takes place once or twice a week at a designated public place.  Some markets even make it more of a social get-together by providing live entertainment. (more…)

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo with these Healthy Tips

Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for the 5th of May) is right around the corner and I know many people are planning to partake in this Mexican holiday.  Depending on how you celebrate this holiday I know a lot of fun, music, food, and alcohol are involved. This year I want to give you some simple tips to keep in mind to have a healthier Cinco de Mayo celebration.chips-and-salsa

  • Remember Mexican food with vegetables, seafood, and fruit is healthy, light, and lower in calories.
  • Make the food at home.  This way you can use lower fat products (2% milk cheeses) to help control calories and fat.

Find out if You Really Need a Multi-Vitamin

supplementsMany corporations push and spend big bucks on advertising and marketing of multi-vitamins, mineral (or combo) supplements.  Besides the companies telling you to buy these products because your body needs them, how do you truly know if it’s something you should buy and start taking?

Do I need one?
Deciding to take a multi-vitamin and mineral really should be determined based off of your current diet. Do you eat a well balanced diet (including plenty of fruits and vegetables)?  If so, you’re honestly wasting your money on these supplements.

However, if you eat poorly (i.e. Eating out a lot, not having a lot of variety, eating little to no fresh fruits and vegetables) then you would probably benefit from taking a daily multi-vitamin and mineral supplement.  (more…)

7 Easy, Healthy Tips for Nutritious Family Dining

family-dinnerMost moms and dads want their kids to eat healthy or healthier, but lots of times they are faced with multiple struggles. Juggling hectic school and work schedules often makes it difficult to have a sit-down, home-cooked, nutritious meal.  According to the American Dietetic Association (ADA), “The top concern, shared by more than four-in-10 moms, is that kids are not eating enough fruits and vegetables. Picky eaters and eating too much junk food round out the top three overall concerns of moms.”

The ADA compiled a short list of easy and practical tips for moms and/or dads to try out:

Establish a family mealtime time. Try to have at least one meal a day together. This can help increase a child’s intake of healthier foods because kids tend to eat more fruits, vegetables, and dairy at meals shared with their parents. (more…)

Eat Chocolate for your Health

Cocoa, antioxidants and your health
chocolateChocolate, which is made from nutrient rich cocoa beans, has naturally occurring, cancer-preventative antioxidants that we all know have great benefits for your body. Cocoa beans contain the antioxidants called flavanols which studies have shown to have protective health benefits (flavanols also found in berries, apples, beans, nuts, purple grapes, red wine, and teas). Antioxidants, as we know, fight off dangerous free radicals in our body, which can cause serious heath problems. Research shows that flavanols found in cocoa and chocolate have health benefits beyond fighting free radicals. (more…)

Top 10 Reasons We Fail at Dieting

Have you recently started a weight loss plan, and want to make sure you succeed? Then heed the warning in these ten reasons we typically fail diets. These are the most common pitfalls standing between you and a new pair of skinny jeans, or simply feeling healthier. disappointed-dieter

1. Not exercising enough — It’s a simple matter of calories in and calories out. If you consume more calories than you burn during the day you’ll have difficulty losing weight and will likely gain weight.

2. Feel metabolism is slowing down — The older you get the harder it becomes to lose weight. That’s why it is very important to start a healthy routine at an early age and maintain it throughout your life.

3. Splurge too often on favorite foods — It’s okay to have you favorite food every once in a while, but it should be a treat happening once every other week or month rather than every other day. (more…)

Understanding Obesity Related Diseases: Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

As more of our population become obese and overweight, obesity diseases become much more prevalent. Hypertension is one such disease, and here I explain what it is, why it affects the overweight, symptoms and prevention.

blood-pressureWhat is it?
Hypertension is one word meaning elevated or high blood pressure.  Known as the “silent killer” due to it being asymptomatic (not showing significant signs or symptoms). It typically leads to having a fatal stroke or heart attack.  High blood pressure is defined as having a consistently elevated arterial blood pressure.  When a doctor or nurse takes your blood pressure, they measure the systolic and diastolic blood pressure.  Being hypertensive means you have a systolic blood pressure above 140mm Hg or diastolic blood pressure is above 90mm Hg (normal blood pressure = systolic of 130mm Hg and diastolic of 85mm Hg).  Untreated hypertension can result in heart failure, renal disease, and peripheral vascular disease. (more…)