Author Archives: Elizabeth

About Elizabeth

Liz Simmons is a fun-loving, stubbornly positive person who will try just about anything once. Her competitive spirit rarely says no to sand volleyball, but gets chilled out by practicing yoga. She's an avid reader whose love of writing led her to a bachelor's degree in communication from Wichita State University.

Melissa Joan Hart Reveals 30-Pound Weight Loss in New Nutrisystem Commercial

In the ’90s, Melissa Joan Hart explained how to balance the ups and downs of being a teenager. Now, as Nutrisystem’s newest brand ambassador, she’s ready to share how the meal delivery weight loss system helped her lose 30 pounds. The actor and mother of three is the star of Nutrisystem’s most recent commercials, and discusses how the weight loss system worked for her.


When she assumed her role as brand ambassador, Hart talked about how Nutrisystem had been working for her already.

“The program is really delivering results for me and I look forward to long term success, staying motivated and helping others at the same time.”

She certainly has experienced great success on the program, which she started after the birth of her third son. In a press release, Hart said, “I had heard rave reviews about Nutrisystem. My sister-in-law had great success with it and I decided that I had to try the program out for myself. It’s easy and fits in perfectly with my busy life. I get to eat all the foods I love like pasta, burgers, chocolate and ice cream. Who knew that losing the weight and getting back into shape could taste so good!”


Is a GMO-Free Oregon a Real Possibility?

The people of Oregon have been adamantly anti-GMO for some time, but their resolve has recently gained more national attention. A GMO beet crop became the victim of “agro-terrorism” when the fields, owned by Syngenta, were set on fire. There have also been two major lawsuits to come out of Oregon against Monsanto. When farmers discovered genetically engineered wheat crops in their fields, they were understandably confused and concerned.

oregon farm

“He [the farmer] discovered it when he was spraying and figured out that this particular wheat plant didn’t die. This has alerted local farmers and consumers to the reality that you can’t really control where these seeds end up, and people are very concerned about the integrity of the food we produce, consume and export,” said GMO-labeling advocate and blogger Karen Mares. The concern about the GMO crops caused several countries, including Japan, to ban the crop potentially creating economic trouble for Oregon.


Your Ultimate Guide to Greens: 15 Greens, What They Do, and How to Eat Them

Growing up, most of us were told at some point to “eat our greens.” We may not have listened at the time, but maybe we should have. As a group, leafy green vegetables, or “greens,” are known for their bounty of health benefits. As a whole, they are great sources of vitamins A and C, and each green has its own broad nutritional profile.

We share 15 greens, why you need to eat them, why they’re so good for you, and even recipes to best prepare and enjoy them!

View Your Ultimate Guide to Greens Slideshow (more…)

Cancer Has a Sweet Tooth! New Research Names Sugar a Detector for Cancer Cells

If you haven’t already, now may be a good time to decrease your consumption of processed sugar. New research published in the journal Nature Medicine shows a link between processed sugar and cancer cells. Though it is not the first study to find a correlation between the two, this particular study is the first to suggest sugar as a way to detect cancer in the body.


The detection method, called glucose chemical exchange saturation transfer (glucoCEST), was discovered when scientists from University College London were experimenting with a new cancer detection method involving a unique form of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The scientists programmed an MRI scanner to look specifically for glucose, and found that cancer tumors lit up brightly when scanned in this way due to their high sugar content. “The method uses an injection of normal sugar and could offer a cheap, safe alternative to existing methods for detecting tumors, which require the injection of radioactive material,” said Dr. Simon Walker-Samuel, the lead researcher of the study in a release.


Mosquitoes are More Attracted to People Who Exercise

Feeling a little itchy this summer? Then you may be one of the estimated 20 percent of people who are extra attractive to mosquitoes. The attraction can be temporary, based on the color of clothing you’re wearing, or a more long-term relationship because of blood type and genetics. Or the mosquitoes could be attracted to you for a completely different reason, your exercise habits.

mosquito bite

Studies have shown that mosquitoes are attracted to sweat and body heat. What happens after exercising strenuously? You sweat and have a higher overall body temperature. Mosquitoes are able to detect heat, which makes anyone who has a higher body temperature than those around them a prime target for biting. Combining higher body temperature with the extra sweat you produce when exercising can turn you into an insect buffet. Sweating is how your body temperature is regulated, which helps cool you down during and after a workout. Unfortunately, even though your temperature may be dropping, the sweat you’re  producing will still summon mosquitoes. They are attracted to certain chemicals in sweat, as well as lactic acid and carbon dioxide.


Mexico Outweighs United States in Most Obese Ranking

We are no longer number one, in obesity rankings that is. Mexico is now the most obese populous nation, with about 33 percent of Mexican adults being overweight, compared to the United States at nearly 32 percent. Both figures are alarming as both nations are battling growing obesity rates every year. According to experts, in the last ten years childhood obesity rates have tripled in Mexico. The same experts warn that four out of every five of obese children will remain overweight into adulthood.


The cause of the growing obesity rates isn’t all that surprising. “As more Mexicans move from rural to urban communities they become more sedentary and they eat a steady diet of unhealthy, highly caloric foods,” said Martin Binks, an obesity researcher and spokesperson for the Obesity Society in an interview with ABC News. This shift to a more sedentary lifestyle is affecting much of the world’s population.

World Health Organization statistics show that more than 20 percent of the world’s population is overweight, with 65 percent of the global population living in countries where being overweight or obese kills more people than being underweight. Though Mexico ranks highest of the populous countries, there are several small Pacific Island countries with obesity rates well over those of Mexico and the U.S. combined. American Samoa is the heaviest country in the world with 75 percent of its population considered obese and 20 percent considered overweight.


INFOGRAPHIC: Will Smoking Pot Make You Skinny? New Research Says Maybe

why are pot smokers skinny

As seen at Number 1 on! Embed This Graphic!

Are people who use marijuana thinner than those who don’t? Though scientists can’t say conclusively that smoking pot makes you thin, a recent study shows a correlation between smaller waist circumference and marijuana use. Users not only seem to be thinner, but also somewhat healthier than their non-using counterparts. An exact reason for the trend hasn’t been discovered, but scientists are still intrigued by the results of the study.

More than 4,600 people participated in the study. Waist circumference and other weight-related factors were assessed in those who currently are marijuana users, those who used but don’t anymore, and those who never used. Other studies had found lower prevalence for obesity and diabetes in marijuana users, but this was the first study to also include tests for insulin, glucose and insulin resistance. (more…)

New Rules Will Remove Junk Foods from Schools by July 2024

The days of going through the lunch line at school and picking every greasy, cheesy, fatty option are soon coming to an end. The Department of Agriculture has outlined new regulations for the kinds of foods that can be sold to kids at school. For the first time, the government is tackling the content of “a la carte” lines, vending machines, snack bars and other sources of food regularly available on school campuses. According to Registered Dietitian Mary Hartley, “the policy would increase student exposure to healthier foods and decrease exposure to less healthy foods.”

kids eating lunch

Previously unregulated, the “a la carte” lines and similar non- standard lunch line options provided kids access to foods like nachos, pizza, chocolate sandwich cookies, and other unhealthy treats. Now under the new guidelines those foods will be replaced with more healthful options like granola bars and yogurt. The new regulations also outline a difference in the beverages that can be sold in schools. Elementary and middle schools will only sell water, carbonated water, low fat and fat-free milk and 100 percent fruit and vegetable juices. Sodas and sports drinks that contain 60 calories or less will be made available in high schools. Though the changes don’t have to be in effect until July 1, 2024, several schools will start implementing them in the upcoming school year. It has been found that schools with this type of reform already in place have seen little to loss of revenue from food sales.


5 Changes You Can Make to Support Obama’s Climate Change Initiative

The weather created almost too perfect a setting for President Obama’s climate change speech Tuesday afternoon. Visibly sweating and frequently dabbing at his forehead, the president addressed the importance of acting on climate change before the problem became too great. “The progress [will be] measured in crisis averted, planet protected,” he said.

President Obama’s main focus in protecting the planet is the limiting and ultimate elimination of carbon pollution. In his speech, President Obama cited a study that found the 12 warmest years on record have occurred in the last 15, with 2024 being the warmest year in recorded history. He also called on America to be a leader in the fight against climate change, asking individuals to do their part. “We have to all shoulder the responsibility for keeping the planet habitable, or we’ll suffer the consequences together.”


Our Exclusive Recipes Featured at

NatureBox is an amazing site where we are happy to contribute some of our favorite recipes. The folks over at NatureBox are focused on helping people find the healthiest, best-for-them snacks possible, and you know we love a good, healthy snack! Primarily, they do so by sending a box full of healthy, delicious snacks to their clients in a monthly subscription box. Their all-natural food combinations are a great way to start a healthy-eating journey. They also share great recipes on their blog for those who want to make their own healthy foods at home. We love what they’re doing to encourage eating more healthfully, and hope our recipes provide you with a little inspiration.

Click through each link to discover our exclusive recipes for NatureBox. You may just find something you want to make today!

fizzy limeade

Fizzy Limeade

As the summer heat bears down on us, we’re all looking for ways to cool down. Perfect for summer sipping, our Fizzy Limeade will have you cooled and refreshed. Simple to make with just a few steps and ingredients, our limeade can be customized to suit any flavor palette. Mix your favorite sweetener with water and add lime juice and club soda; it’s as easy as that! (more…)

Free IVF Offered as Prize for the Cade Foundation Race for the Family

Grab your friends, family, dog or even just your headphones and participate in a virtual 5k. The Cade Foundation is hosting its annual Cade Foundation Race for the Family this year with a little twist. It’s a virtual race. Participants are asked to register, then prompted to participate in their own locations instead of coming together for a big race.

family running together

The Cade Foundation Race for the Family is held to raise money to help fund grants for families facing infertility. The Cade Foundation was started in 2005 and is named for founder Dr. Camille Hammond’s mother who carried and delivered Dr. Camille and Dr. Jason Hammond’s triplets after the couple had struggled with infertility for five years. By providing information support and financial assistance, the Cade Foundation looks to help needy families overcome infertility, often through in vitro fertilization.
