The 20 Minute Workout vs. The 120 Minute Workout

The 20 Minute Workout

woman doing crunchesFeeling tired, rushed for time, or just plain don’t want to exercise today? How about the 20-minute workout? I strongly believe that a short workout is better than a non-existent one. This style of workout combines cardiovascular and muscular endurance training. It is designed to get the body pumping by increasing your heart rate, increase blood flow to the muscles, and relieve stress. You can perform this workout at home, at the gym, in your hotel, or any place in between.

  • 10 Minute Jog (Jog in place if lack of space)
  • 50 Push-Ups (Do as many as you can and then finish the rest later)
  • 100 Crunches (Do as many as you can and then finish the rest later)
  • 50 Squats (Do as many as you can and then finish the rest later)

The 120 Minute Workout

Feeling good, energized, and ready for a good pump? How about the 120 Minute Workout? This exercise routine combines an hour of cardiovascular training with an hour of total body weight training. It is designed to shed the inches and increase lean muscle mass. This workout can be performed at the gym or anywhere there is a sufficient amount of equipment. The push-pull movements are designed to balance the body and leave you feeling complete. I recommend performing three sets of 20 for the following list of exercises.

  • 60 Minute Jog/Two Intervals of 30 Minutes

2 Responses to The 20 Minute Workout vs. The 120 Minute Workout

Ande says:

New to the world of exercise, outside of work and a treadmill.

What are:
* Crunches

* Squats


Matt says:

Crunches are for the abdominal muscles. The picture above shows a lady performing a crunch. Curl your shoulders off the ground about six inches while squeezing your stomach. Squats are for leg endurance and strength. The easiest way to do these is by placing a chair directly behind you and then sitting down and immediately standing back up without using your arms, just your legs.

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