Black Team Controls the Elimination in Biggest Loser Season 10 Episode 6 Recap

WOW what an episode! This week, instead of the notorious face-off week, only ONE player’s loss will count for each team! Talk about pressure! Of course the strategizing starts at the very moment that Ali gives this news to the teams. The real kicker is that the opposing team gets to pick who weighs in! That is just asking for game play. Oh don’t you just love how Ali brings her Days of our Lives drama to Biggest Loser!

At the glorious four seasons, the teams compete in a cooking challenge! I love that! I wish we could have had a cooking challenge. I love to experiment in the kitchen. And let’s be honest, who wouldn’t love cooking with Curtis Stone by your side? The Blue team takes the win, over the black team supported by Chef Lorena Garcia, which gives them a 10 second head start in the next challenge.

Try the Grilled Tuna with Herb Tapenade and Succotash and Salad of Green Papaya with Peanut and Grilled Shrimp prepared by the blue team.

The next challenge happens to be a boat race. The rowing really shows the teamwork of the sync of the teams and although the black team gave a very valiant effort the blue team takes that challenge as well. Hmm, sounds vaguely familiar! (The blue team killed us in the first few challenges my season.) This gave them the power of blocking the choice of the black team’s pick for weigh in. This could be a very powerful tool if used correctly. I was surprised it wasn’t a coveted pound advantage for the winning team.

Watching the weigh in I was thinking how crazy is it that almost any player on the blue team would have beat Elizabeth except Aaron and Jessica. Wow. It’s amazing how much impact a little decision can make. That is really why people get so hung up on the game aspect. It’s hard to describe to viewers at home what’s going on in their heads and I know this season looks like a lot of game play, but I think it’s probably equal to other seasons, you just have people who are more vocal about it!

As Elizabeth takes the weigh in with her five-pound loss, the blue team goes in the elimination room. Result? A split decision… WHAT!!!!! You let the opposite team decide for you? NEVER! There must have been a breakdown in communication! They will always vote your strongest out! That is just a bad move on the blue team’s part. They lost a heavy hitter and depending on how long black and blue goes on this could set them back for sure in the weeks to come.

I cannot believe they sent Adam home; OK I can believe it, and it’s season 10 and they are picking off the “big threats” left and right. But I have to say I am super sad! Adam is from the OC like me, so he’s my hometown hero! He is also in the non-profit world and wants to be a social worker! Hello! He is my brother from another mother! He looks pretty dang close to goal weight in his “where are they now” and really I think it will be a tough competition for at-home prize.

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