Saturday Morning Drills: Get Sculpted Legs

In this 15 minute workout we are going to focus on getting sexy sculpted legs by doing high intensity exercises with little rest. This routine will turn your body into a fat burning inferno!

What to do: Before you start, make sure you have properly warmed up. Do the following routine a total of three times, making sure you spend 30 seconds resting before starting the routine over again. Also, you can hold on to light weight dumbbells to really kick it into over drive.

The Routine

Side Lunge– Standing with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your side, take a big side step with your left leg. Bend your left leg while keeping your right leg straight. Keeping your back straight, lower your arms till your hands are near your left ankle. Hold for a few seconds then bring your left leg back to the starting position and repeat with your right leg. Repeat as many times as you can for 1 minute.

Sumo Jumps– Stand with feet wider than your shoulders and squat with elbows bent. While raising your arms, jump up. Lift your knees up as high as you can in the jump. Land softly back in the wide stance. Repeat for 30 seconds.

Front Lunge– Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Take a big step forward with your left leg, bending your left knee until your thigh is parallel to the ground. Make sure your back is straight and you are not leaning your back or head forward. Picture a horse on a carousel. Bring your left leg back to the starting position and repeat with your right leg. Repeat as many times as you can for 1 minute.

Squat Jumps– Squat with feet shoulder-width apart and jump up while raising your arms up in the air. Land softly back into the squat position. Go for 1 minute.

Tip: Try to jump as high and as fast as you can!

Cross Leg Lunge–  Stand with feet shoulder width apart and arms by your side. With your left leg, take a big step forward and cross it in front of your right leg. Squat down. As you come back up, return your left leg to the original position. Repeat on right side. Do as many as you can in 1 minute.

Rest– 30 seconds.

Also Read:

How To Warm Up and Stretch Correctly Before Exercise

Fitness Injury Prevention 101 and the RICE Method

Saturday Morning Drills: Sexy Summer Abs

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