Identify the Best Workout for Your Body Type

slender woman silhouetteI was messing around on the Internet the other day and came across this article that discussed the three female body types. The article talked about each specific body type and what kind of training is the best for each type. Again, this is just another opinion from a fitness enthusiast, but I am going to share the article with you.

Three basic body types and workout regimens:

Ectomorphic: Tall and lean body style with a high metabolic rate which makes it hard to gain either muscle or fat. If you fall into this body type, you should perform 20 minutes or so of cardiovascular training three times a week and weight training consisting of three sets of six to ten repetitions with a moderate to heavy weight three to five days a week.

womans silhouetteMesomorphic: Square, sturdy bodies, commonly known as athletic bodies. Tend to bulk with strength training. If you fall into this body type, you should perform 30 minutes of cardiovascular training three to five days a week and weight training consisting of two to three sets of 20 repetitions with a light weight three days a week.

pear shaped womanEndomorphic: Short and round body style and tend to store body fat easily. If you fall into this body type, you should perform 45 minutes of cardiovascular training three to five days a week and weight training consisting of two sets of 20 repetitions with a light to moderate weight three days a week.

Again, this is just an opinion from another fellow fitness enthusiast.

via Women Fitness

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