A Beginner’s Guide to Pregnancy Pilates

Pilates has become increasingly popular in the fitness world with both men and women. Pilates is a fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. It focuses on core postural muscles, as well as proper breathing and correct spinal alignment.

The most common machine used for Pilates is the “reformer,” which was designed to provide finely tuned resistance exercises for the body as a whole. It focuses on proper alignment, core stability, and total body flexibility.

Pilates is great before, during and after pregnancy. It is beneficial during the pregnancy process due to the isolation of the core.

Pilates can be modified to meet certain needs, as your body and ability levels change. During the pregnancy process, your body will go through some major changes. First, be sure to avoid over-stretching. Hormonal changes during pregnancy enhance the flexibility of the joints and muscles, and over-stretching can lead to severe strains.

As you progress through the trimesters, the type and style of exercises that you can do become very limited. After the first trimester it is recommend that you postpone any movements or exercises that require you to be flat on your back or with legs above the head. This will prevent the possibility of obstructing the blood supply to the baby.

Good luck, and please contact your physician before beginning Pilates or any type of exercise during pregnancy.

Benefits of Pilates During Pregnancy:

  1. Improves strength of stabilizer muscles
  2. Prevents future injury
  3. Improves flexibility
  4. Improves core strength and endurance
  5. Reduces stress
  6. Boosts energy
  7. Improves circulation
  8. Enhances mobility
  9. Improves neuromuscular coordination
  10. Strengthens body as a whole

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