5 Ways to Fit In Fitness This Summer

The summer brings about several wonderful things. Kids long for the summer because they don’t have to go to school, and parents can often look forward to summer vacations and spending more time together as a family. While you are running around trying to find activities for the kids to do this summer, it can be easy to lose track of your own fitness.

Many summers involve family travels and vacations, summer camp, sleepovers and swimming activities. With just a little creative thinking, you can continue to get your daily fitness activities in regardless of the number of summer activities you’re juggling. Just because the summer is here doesn’t mean you have to neglect your body and well being. Everyone can use the summer to become more fit and enjoy the extra sunlight. Try some of the following recommendations to fit in fitness during the hectic summer months when schedules can be a little crazy.

Make fitness all-inclusive: Some parents get their workouts in while the kids are at school. Since school is out all summer this can make it difficult to get your workouts in. During the summer, if you can’t find time to work out, incorporate a fitness activity for then entire family. Start taking sunset walks together after dinner, or go on family bike rides. Not only will this help you get your fitness in, but it will ensure that everyone else in the family does as well.

Go outside and play: Playing outside isn’t just for kids. Spend some time outside with the kids playing tag or running around the yard. You would be surprised how many games your kids may enjoy outside if you join them. This is another great way to make sure both you and the kids get some physical activity in during the day. Just make sure everyone is hydrated and don’t go out when it’s too hot.

Wake up earlier for an early morning workout: This may sound intimidating for those that like to sleep in, but it’s perfectly doable if you also go to bed a little earlier. Starting your day with a workout can be a great way to get going. Typically if you wake up and do your workout, everyone else in the house is still sleep and this is great personal time that can be used to jump start your day.

Spread out your workouts: If you are having trouble fitting in a block of time to work out, break it up to several periods throughout the day. When you find yourself with an extra 10 minutes, take that time to burn some calories. You can go for a short, brisk walk or even run around the block. Even if things are chaotic, it may be much easier to find 10 minutes three to four times during the day than finding a block of time all at once.

Make your outings fitness outings: Find summer trips that are inexpensive, but might involve exercise. Going to an amusement park will involve lots of walking which can be good for you and your family. If there are festivals or other community events like fairs and carnivals, those can also be great chances to do lots of walking. If your family is planning a beach vacation, fit in some family volleyball and initiate some safe games of tag on the beach. You can really find a way to turn just about anything into a calorie burning activity by incorporating more movement.

By using some of these ideas, you can be sure that you will make it through the summer without sacrificing your fitness. It may take some adjustments, but you can fit fitness in even with a hectic summer schedule.

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