Sore or Injured? When It’s Time to See a Doctor

This week on Live Big With Ali Vincent I am checking in with Matt McCloskey. Matt started his Live Big journey one year ago by running. Right as Matt was getting into his groove, he started feeling pain in his knee. At first he powered through the pain, then he took it easy by doing pool workouts. Nothing seemed to help. See what happens when I bring in the big guns to solve Matt’s knee problem.

Matt’s knee problem brings me to what I want to talk about this week: when to take it easy and when to see a doctor.

People often start a new workout regimen without consulting their doctor or a trainer. I mean, let’s tell the truth, the only time I’ve EVER seen a doctor before changing my diet or workout routine was when I was on The Biggest Loser. However, I now know the reason behind this and the fine print on your new workout DVD set: doctors and trainers have a series of tests they run so that everyone is clear on starting parameters to prevent injury.

Know what the difference is between soreness and injury for your body. You want to be able to continue on your fitness journey, so know where to start. Guidelines help clarify which stress level is a good workout and which stress is a sign of real complications.

Listen to your body and take care of yourself. Soreness usually indicates that you’ve activated muscles that haven’t been pushed in a long time. Forty-eight to seventy-two hours after initial activity, soreness is at its worst. Often this is remedied through icing and continued activity to prevent lactic acid build up. Resting is the last thing you want to do. If continued movement and icing turns into pain, see a doctor immediately.

Good luck and remember only you know the difference between soreness and pain. Be kind to yourself and take care of your body! Don’t forget to tune into Live Big With Ali Vincent to see what the specialist suggests for Matt.

Until next week-

ali xo

Also Read:

5 Common and Painful Running Mistakes You’re Probably Making

A Beginner’s Guide to Swimming Workouts

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