5 Healthiest and Budget-Friendly Breakfast Foods

Recent studies show that eating breakfast does keep you healthy and slim. According to National Weight Control Registry, individuals who lost 30 or more pounds and kept it off for one year or longer had something in common: they all ate breakfast. oatmeal

The reason is that breakfast prevents our bodies and minds from crossing over into the dangerous zone of starvation mode. When that kicks in, our bodies don’t metabolize food efficiently and we end up devouring everything in sight. However, picking up breakfast at your favorite java joint or running through the drive-thru may hamper your weight loss efforts and put a dent in your wallet.

Since saving money is on everyone’s minds these days, as well as keeping true to our New Year’s resolutions of healthy eating, weight loss and fitness, here is a list of the top five best breakfast picks that will keep you well-fueled and on your way to your best you!

1) Oatmeal: Studies show that rolled oats may reduce cholesterol and keep us satisfied longer than cold cereal. Save money by purchasing rolled oats in bulk and then save on calories by bagging 1/2-1 cup portions. Top with lo-cal sweetener, almonds, berries or a splash of milk, or try this great recipe for apple cinnamon oatmeal.hard boiled eggs

2) Eggs: Many nutritionists call eggs a true Super Food. Packed with protein, fat, vitamins and minerals, the nutrients in eggs will satisfy you for hours! You’ll save money because a dozen eggs breaks down to just a few quarters a day, and you can save time by hard boiling a batch of eggs to keep in the fridge for on-the-go snacking. You can whip up a frittata; cook them in individual ramekins, then during the week just grab, reheat and go!

3) High Fiber Cereal: Aim for cereals with five grams of fiber per serving. Kashi GoLean, Quaker Shredded Wheat and Fiber One are all great and healthy bets. The fiber in these will keep you feeling full longer and your digestive system in check. At $3-$4 per box, you’ll have healthy breakfasts for an entire week (or try the generic brands for more savings).

4) Leftovers: Who said that you can’t have last night’s chicken stir-fry for breakfast? In fact, in many countries like Japan, where rates of obesity are extremely low, breakfast typically consists of miso soup, rice and veggies. Don’t let your leftovers become a science experiment in the fridge, heat them up and dig in! If your dinner-for-breakfast lacks protein, add diced chicken to leftover whole grain pasta or add chickpeas to soup. You’ll save money and time.

5) Yogurt: Yogurt is packed with calcium, protein and gut-friendly probiotics. Stay clear of pre-sweetened yogurt, since they often contain heaps of sugar. Save money by buying the large containers instead of the individual yogurt containers. You’ll get more bang for your buck and you’ll be helping the environment by using less packaging. Low-fat plain yogurt is your best bet. You can control the sweetness and flavor by adding honey, agave syrup, lo-cal sweetener, berries, nuts, or even a handful of high fiber cereal.

Breakfast doesn’t have to be boring, expensive or time-consuming to prepare. With a smart shopping list that prepares you for a week-long of breakfast eats, your waistline, concentration and wallet will be quick to feel the benefits.

One Response to 5 Healthiest and Budget-Friendly Breakfast Foods

Herbalife says:

Thats a healthy breakfast. Really nutritious!

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